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NATION MAY 27, 2022 | The Indian Eye 8
Rahul Gandhi evokes Jaishankar’s ire after
remarks on Indian diplomats being “arrogant”
Amit Shah on Sunday said the Wayanad MP must take off his Italian glasses and look at the development work
done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
ideological battle that is taking place
is between the national vision of the
London/New Delhi RSS and the national vision of Con-
gress,” he said.
itting out at Congress lead- Later, Rahul Gandhi on Friday
er Rahul Gandhi over his
Hremarks concerning “com- said that democracy in India is a
global public good and the people of
plete change” in the Indian Foreign the country have managed democra-
Service (IFS), External Minster S cy at an unparalleled scale.
Jaishankar has said that the change Rahul Gandhi made the remarks
is not called “arrogance” but “confi- at the ‘Ideas for India’ conference in
dence and defending national inter- London. “Democracy in India is a
est”. The remarks came after Rahul global public good. We’re the only
Gandhi said at an event in London people who have managed democra-
that he had been told by bureaucrats cy at our unparalleled scale. Had an
in Europe that IFS has changed and enriching exchange on a wide range
the officers are “arrogant”. Jaishan- of topics at the #IdeasForIndia con-
kar said in a tweet that the IFS offi- ference in London,” Gandhi said in
cers follow the orders of the govern- a tweet.
ment and protect national interest The Congress leader will be
while countering arguments of oth- Congress leader Rahul Gandhi having a conversation at the ‘Ideas for India’ conclave, in speaking at Cambridge University
ers. London on Friday. (ANI Photo/ANI Pics Service) on May 23 on ‘India at 75’.
“Yes, the Indian Foreign Service
This is the first such overseas
has changed. Yes, they follow the or- event for the Congress leader after
ders of the Government. Yes, they the return of normalcy in interna-
counter the arguments of others. No, tional travel which had been disrupt-
it’s not called Arrogance. It is called ed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Confidence. And it is called defending
National Interest,” Jaishankar said.
He also attached a clip of Rahul Meanwhile, taking a potshot
Gandhi’s remarks. In his remarks at at Congress leader Rahul
the ‘Ideas for India’ conference in
London, Gandhi said he had been Gandhi, who is currently in
told that IFS officers do not listen to the UK, Union Home Minister
anything, they were just getting or-
ders from the government and there Amit Shah on Sunday said the
is no conversation. Wayanad MP must take off
“I was talking to some bureau-
crats from Europe and they were his Italian glasses and look at
saying that the Indian Foreign Ser- the development work done by
vice has completely changed and
they don’t listen to anything -- they Prime Minister Narendra Modi
are arrogant. Now they just telling us and Chief Minister Pema Khan-
what orders they are getting, there is Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar (ANI Photo)
no conversation; you can’t do that,” du in Arunachal Pradesh.
Rahul Gandhi said. a tweet. conversation because the current In-
Party general secretary Randeep In his remarks at London event, dian government is controlling the Shah inaugurated and laid the
Singh Surjewala retorted to Jaishan- Rahul Gandhi also accused the Cen- media through this concentration of foundation stone of various develop-
kar’s remarks on Gandhi’s tweet and tre of promoting “massive concen- capital,” he said. ment projects worth Rs 1,000 crores
said there had been foreign policy tration of power and capital”. Rahul Gandhi said Congress be- in the Namsai district. Speaking on
bloopers. “Yes, it is also called being “I think it’s very dangerous for lieves that every single Indian should the occasion, the Union Home Min-
subservient to the political masters in one company to control all airports, be given the same opportunities.” ister Shah said, “Congress leaders
face of foreign policy bloopers. Yes, all ports, all the infrastructure. It “The task for the Opposition ask what happened in eight years,
it is called not being able to stand up (private sector monopoly) has nev- is really to give a new vision to the these people are awake with their
to China in face of illegal occupation er existed in this form. It has never people of India, an economic vision. eyes closed. Rahul baba must take
of our territory. Yes, it is called fur- existed with such a massive concen- Congress has the ideology at the na- off his Italian glasses and look at the
thering the agenda of a party rather tration of power and capital. This is tional level. Congress is a structure development work done by PM Modi
than the Nation,” Surjewala said in another aspect that is throttling the that is enabling the Opposition. The and Chief Minister Pema Khandu.”