Page 34 - The Indian EYE 052022
P. 34
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 20, 2022 | The Indian Eye 34
AAPI and Heartfulness Institute hold a five-week
webinar on Meditation Practices
Chicago, IL
merican Association of
Physicians of Indian Ori-
Agin (AAPI) in collaboration
with the Heartfulness Institute or-
ganized a five-week webinar, from
March 20th to April 17th on Heart-
fulness Meditation Practices, guided
by Revered Kamlesh D. Patel (DAA-
JI), who is the Heartfulness Global
Guide, and initiated by Dr. Anupa-
ma Gotimukula President of AAPI
and Dr. Ravi Kolli, President-Elect
of AAPI. The Heartfulness Institute
has held a series of wellness lectures
that provide meaningful practices
to AAPI physicians and continuing
medical education credits.
AAPI members, including Dr.
Chandra Koneru, Dr. Murthy Goku- mit organized by AAPI in January
la, Dr. Jayaram Thimmapuram, and this year.
Dr. Kunal Desai, who have been The Heartfulness Institute is a
engaging in heart-based meditation not-for-profit organization estab-
for decades presented and led the lished in 130 countries that provides
hundreds of AAPI members who meditation techniques that are prov-
had joined in and participated in the en to reduce stress and anxiety, im-
webinars. prove sleep, enhance emotional in-
“The Covid pandemic has im- telligence, and explore the depth of
pacted all aspects of human life human consciousness.
as never been before,” said Dr. The Heartfulness Institute’s mis-
Gotimukula. “The past two years sion is “to offer all humanity a simple
have been challenging to everyone, and effective set of practices for re-
particularly those who are assigned laxation, meditation, regulating the
with the responsibility of caring for mind, and building inner strength
the sick, especially as millions have and attitudes to create a lasting sense
been impacted by the big pandemic. of fulfillment and overall, wellbeing.”
There has been a noticeable rise in “Our practices include heart-
burn out among healthcare profes- based meditation,” said Dr. Chandra
sionals,” she pointed out. Koneru, an Internal Medicine Pro- how the harmony and happiness that improvement, and anxiety reduction.
In partnership with the Heartful- fessional, AAPI member, and Heart- meditation can evoke in physicians He suggested adopting an approach
ness Institute, AAPI has embarked fulness Trainer. can have a ripple effect on their pa- of sitting silently at your desk for a
on a mission to educate its members “Our values align with the Amer- tients. few minutes to focus inwardly. “This
and provide opportunities to pro- ican Association of Physicians of In- Dr. Koneru also discussed med- small practice can pave the way for
mote self-care, improve physician dian Origin (AAPI) mission to facil- itation methods, centering oneself, more mindfulness and intentional
wellness, and reduce burnout. itate and enable Indian physicians to and finding inner stillness and con- acting. He also advocated for small
“Our physician members have improve patient care and engage in tentment. Heartfulness meditation is moments of meditation before bed,
worked very hard during the covid 19 research that brings distinctive con- supported by the ancient yogic tech- prayer, and diary writing to focus on
pandemic. The Heartfulness Medita- tributions from India.” nique of Pranahuti, which allows us meditation,” Dr. Desai said. “With
tion has allowed AAPI to serve these The first webinar session led by to dive deeper into the heart from interest and the right attitude, you
hard-working members who are our Dr. Koneru was an introduction to the outset., he added. can evaluate yourself to see that you
COVID 19 Heroes. It is a perfect Heartfulness practices: “A Program Dr. Kunal Desai, an Infectious will evolve to find the real purpose of
time to heal the healers with a special Overview: Why Meditate? Health, Disease Specialist, AAPI member, your life,” he added.
focus on wellness as we rejuvenate Happiness, and Harmony.” Dr. and Heartfulness Trainer, while ad- “Heartfulness meditation prac-
and relax,” said Dr. Ravi Kolli, who, Koneru said, “Meditation unleashes dressing the participants on “Tips tices are offered free of cost. By con-
along with several AAPI members the potential within us that we nev- for Deeper Meditation Experience” necting with a local trainer at one of
visited and experienced Heartfulness er before knew.” He shared with the stated that the best way to experience our 6,000 global Heart Spots, you can
Meditation at the Kanha Shantiva- audience the values of meditation, meditation and find purpose is to fo- dive deeper into meditation with free
nam on the outskirts of Hyderabad, how meditation translates to evi- cus on health-related benefits like assistance from a certified Heartful-
during the Global Healthcare Sum- dence-based health outcomes, and stress improvement, sleep quality ness trainer,” Dr. Gokula added.