Page 36 - The Indian EYE 052022
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 20, 2022 | The Indian Eye 36
Newsmakers of the WEEK
of Energy. mother, Commander Dr Rita Bhatra sition to make a run at the top five
“I am deeply honoured and who had served the Border Security with four tournaments remaining in
humbled by the opportunity to serve Force for 40 years”. the season. The top five from the List
as the inaugural dean,” Majumdar “Women empowerment lies in earn a status on Korn Ferry, which is
said in the release. equal opportunity for young girls in then the passage to the PGA Tour.
“Building on the extraordinary education, rights, health, decision
leadership of transitions deans, Kam making, wages and professional op-
Moler and Steve Graham, we will not portunities,” she added.
only harness the intellectual horse- Last year she had set a record as
power of our students, faculty, and the youngest TEDx speaker with her
staff across our campus, but we will speech titled “Unboxing Curiosity”.
Arun Majumdar also partner with external organiza- Regarding her dreams and am-
tions around the world to co-develop bitions, Kaur said that, “I want to
Scientist Named Dean of innovative solutions and identify new be the President so I can govern and
Stanford University’s Climate insights through research and educa- help the poor.”
Change School tion,” he said.
“As is often said, we do not in-
run Majumdar, Indian-Amer- herit the Earth from our ancestors;
ican material scientist, engi- we borrow it from our children. We Kimberly Guilfoyle
Aneer and professor, has been must collectively figure out how to
named the inaugural dean of Stan- create a future where humans and Indian-American Women Start
ford University’s new school that fo- nature thrive together,” Majumdar Digital Platform
cuses on climate change and sustain- said. group of Indian-American
women has launched a new
ability. A
Stanford Doerr School of Sus- digital platform called ‘We
tainability, the university’s first new Must Meet’, where filmmakers from
school in 70 years, which aims to Hollywood and Indian cinema can
accelerate solutions to the global screen their own content. It is said to
climate crisis, will be launched on be the first video conference platform
September 1, according to Stanford that can also act as an OTT (over-the-
news. top) platform.
Arun Majumdar, currently the Ex-US President Donald
Jay Precourt Provostial Chair Profes- Manav Shah Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign
sor, a faculty member of the Depart- advisor will be its brand ambassador.
ments of Mechanical Engineering Kiara Kaur Golfer Wins Quito Open She will also be a stakeholder in the
and Materials Science and Engineer- project. She is a member of the Re-
ing, and Senior Fellow and former Six-Year-Old Becomes Youngest merican golfer of Indian de- publican Party and has been Donald
director of the Precourt Institute for World Expo Speaker scent Manav Shah has won the Trump Jr’s girlfriend since 2018.
Energy, will assume his new position he World Book of Records AQuito Open on the PGA Tour Twenty-one-year-old Ish Patil,
on June 15. (based in London) has ac- Latinoamérica. Born in the United one of the founders of the platform,
Originally from Kolkata, Ma- Tknowledged six-year-old Indi- States after his family shifted there said, “Today the majority of top Bol-
jumdar received his bachelor’s de- an American girl Kiara Kaur to be the from Mumbai, Shah, saw off chal- lywood and Hollywood film-makers
gree in Mechanical Engineering at youngest keynote speaker to address lenges from Joel Thelen and Mitchell are making content for OTT, exclu-
the Indian Institute of Technology, a World Expo, on Tuesday, May 10. Meissner by two strokes to clinch the sively for online screening. India’s
Bombay in 1985 and his Ph.D. from title. OTT market is fastest-growing, and
the University of California, Berke- The Class 1 student gave a He had led after the first round has the potential to become largest in
ley in 1989. He was nominated for with a 63 before slipping in the next the world,” as reported by ANI news
the position of Under Secretary of speech titled “Small Changes, and was unable to complete the third agency.
Energy in the United States between Big Difference” at the recent on Saturday, when the weather gods Co-founder Manju Mason stat-
November 30, 2011 and May 15, intervened and forced a suspension ed: “This is the only video confer-
2012 but then the nomination was World Expo 22 in Dubai. Mean- of play. encing platform that transcends the
retracted. while, her speech during the On Sunday, Shah needed to border of regular video conference
After leaving Washington DC, complete the final six holes of the towards screening of Bollywood and
Majumdar was the vice president for International Women’s Week third round and posted 4-under 68. Hollywood online movies.”
energy at Google, where he assem- celebrations at the Mexico Pa- He started his final round a couple “The software has been entirely
bled a team to create technologies of hours later and played even better developed in the United States and is
and businesses at the intersection of vilian focused more on wom- for 66 and won by two. community-based. It will change the
data, computing, and electricity grid. en’s empowerment. Shah pulled away from a way people will meet and host busi-
Majumdar joined Stanford in bunched leader board late in the ness meetings,” she added.
2014. He was the founding director round, shooting a bogey-free 66. The company’s financial analyst
of the Advanced Research Projects Kaur told an Indian channel, The win has helped Shah move K Patel announced that ‘We Must
Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), and “It was exciting to speak to an audi- to No. 8 on the ‘Totalplay Cup Points Meet’ would soon launch theme
currently serves as the chair of the ence at this great event. I prepared List’ on the PGA Latinoamerica parks, boutique hotels, resorts, and
advisory board to the US Secretary my speech by speaking to my grand- Tour. This now places him in a po- restaurants under the same brand.