Page 30 - The Indian EYE 052022
P. 30

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 20, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 30

          Chicago Community belonging to all faiths celebrate

                                  Eid- ul-Fitr with gaiety and fervor

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL
              he Chicago community, be-
              longing to all faiths, came to-
        Tgether to celebrate Eid ul Fitr,
        with great enthusiasm and reverence,
        at Falak Banquets. The event was
        attended by large number of ‘who
        is  who’,  representing  public  offices
        at the City and State level.  Iftekhar
        Shareef,  Altaf Bukhari,  Rezwan-
        ul-Haq, Dr. Tajamul Hussain,  Asad
        Khan,  Khaja Moinuddin,  Ashfaq
        Hussain Syed,  Kader Sakkaria and
        Khurram Syed  hosted  the  colorful
        Eid event.
            Speaking on this occasion,  If-
        tekhar Shareef, Community lead-
        er said, with a sense of pride, that
        America  is  unique  and  exceptional
        in its equal respect for all religions.
        He said that understanding different
        religions and respecting them has
        been the hallmark of the American
            Dr. Tajamul Hussain, said all
        religions teaches love and empathy
        and we have to build the bridges and
        spread love. He opined that practic-
        ing these values is the need of the
        hour for giving a big boost to mutual
        co- existence, especially in the pres-
        ent times, which are characterized
        by increasing distances among peo-
        ple professing different faiths. “My
        hometown is Hyderabad in India,
        which is known for “Ganga Jamuni
        Tahzeeb’, that is, a fusion of elements
        of different religions”, he added.
             Asad Khan, Community leader
        said that Chicago is well-known for
        exceptionally good relations among
        people belonging to different reli-    Ashfaq Syed underlined the        Khurram Syed, Community lead-    An array of eminent persons
        gions,  regions,  and  nations.  “This   importance of building better under-  er, welcomed the guests for joining the   from different walks of life, including
        unique characteristic has mainly con-  standing among people belonging to   Eid al Fitr celebrations during a busy   elected officials and many communi-
        tributed for the emergence of Chica-  different  backgrounds  and  thereby   mother day weekend, when many   ty leaders spoke on the occasion and
        go as the best place to live.     contributing to the continuous devel-  have family commitments and plans.   underlined the need for more and
             Rezwan-ul-Haq, said that all hu-  opment of the US on all fronts.  The Chicago Eid Committee     more such occasions for enabling
        man beings belong to one race and,    Kader Sakkaria, Community     presented awards to the communi-  people, belonging to different back-
        therefore, love is the single language,   leader, said that India believes in the   ty leaders for their excellent service   grounds, to interact and understand
        which even blind can speak and deaf   traditional values of giving utmost re-  to the community of Chicago and   others’ faiths in their true and total
        can hear. He stated that Eid ul Fitr   spect for the religions of others. “The   Dr. Suresh Reddy, Dr Rajiv Kanda-  frame of reference.
        celebrates the value of unity.    Indian Americans, by practicing this   la, Rezwanul Haque, Saima  Azfar,   Samreen Khan & Sariq Bukhari
             Khaja Moinuddin, Community   great value, have been enriching the   Shalini Gupta and  Rajendra Singh   were the MC’s and thanked all the
        leader, emphasized the beauty of the   social fabric of the US”, he added.  Mago were awarded.        guests who attended the Eid celebra-
        US in general and Chicago in partic-  Altaf Bukhari, Community lead-    The book release of A.Q. Sid-  tion. The Live band and singers were
        ular which is grounded in principles   er who was dressed in the unique In-  diqui was also done by the Chicago   outstanding.
        of diversity and acceptance of fellow   dian attire said it is important to have   Eid Committee and  Siddiqui signed   -- Asian Media USA
        Americans.                        interfaith events for all communities.   the copies for the community.     Continued at next page... >>

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