Page 24 - The Indian EYE 051923
P. 24

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 19, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 24

                AIA hosts National Honor Banquet

           & Celebration of the 75th anniversary

                                   of India’s independence

                                           Committee members of AIA                                        Gobind Munjial Speaking at the event

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

              he Association of Indians in America (AIA
              National)  hosted  25th  Honor  Banquet  and
        Tthe celebration of the 75th anniversary of In-
        dia’s Independence in a beautiful venue at Terrace
        on the Park in Flushing Meadows Park, New York.
        The celebration of the 75th anniversary of India’s
        independence was in keeping with the Indian Gov-
        ernment’s yearlong celebrations. The Honor Ban-
        quet was attended by 250 distinguished AIA mem-
        bers and esteemed guests in a sold house.
            The Honor Banquet was graced by the pres-
        ence of US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schum-
        er and Mayor of New York City Mr. Eric Adams.
        Consul General of India at New York Randhir
        Jaiswal graced the occasion as Chief guest. He was
        accompanied by his wife Dr Abha Jaiswal. NYS As-           NYC Mayor Eric Adams                   Chuck Scumer speaking at the gathering
        semblywoman Jennifer Rajkumar also graced the
        occasion.                                        AIA honored two very distinguished indi-  President of the University of Houston, Texas. She
            The  program  started  with  invocation  and
        American & Indian National Anthem followed by   viduals  with  “Honor  Award”  for  the  outstanding   has broken boundaries and glass ceilings, as she be-
                                                                                                   came the first female chancellor in the state of Texas
        classical dance performance by Maheshwari Jagab-                                           and the first Indian immigrant to lead a comprehen-
        attula on A.R. Rahman’s Vande Mataram song.   Among the Individuals honored were:          sive research university in the U.S.
            AIA National President Gobind Munjal in his   Arvind  Panagariya,  Ph.D.  Professor  of  Eco-
                                                                                                      Consul General Randhir Jaiswal spoke about
        remarks thanked his dedicated team in making this   nomics and Jagdish Bhagwati Professor of Indian   further strengthening the relationship and ties be-
        25th Honor Banquet a grand success. He talked about   Political  Economy  in  the  School  of  International   tween India and United States of America.
        India’s culture and values and the progress made by   and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University   Senate  majority  Leader  Chuck  Schumer  in
        Indian  Americans  to  fully  assimilate  in  the  main   since January 2004. From January 2015 to August   his remarks said that he wants to share a few take-
        stream America. He remarked, “Indians in Amer-  2017, he served as the first Vice Chairman of the   aways from his trip to India that impact America’s
        ica bring distinct vision, values, needs and goals and   NITI Aayog, Government of India think tank. He in   national  security  and  economic  future  of  both
        we and our next generations should fully assimilate   his keynote speech outlined India’s journey for the   countries.
        and participate in the political system and take ac-  upcoming 25 years.
        tive role in shaping the future of this great country.”   And Ms Renu Khator, Ph. D Chancellor and           Continued on next page... >>

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