Page 18 - The Indian EYE 051923
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 19, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 18

         Mayor Eric Adams and Deputy Commissioner

                Diip Chauhan Celebrate Pohela Baisakh

                                    and Bangladeshi New Year

          NYC Mayor Eric Adams addressing an audience during the Pahelo Baisakh Celebration at
                              Diversity Plaza, Jackson Height.                       Eric Adams and Dilip Chauhan enjoying a Pahelo Baisakh Celebration

        OUR BUREAU                        bring ideas of how to help people with
                                          mental and physical health issues, he
        New York, NY
              he  April  15th  Pohela  Baisakh   The celebrations at the Diversity
              and Bengali New Year event  Square in Jackson Heights, with NYC
        Twas celebrated at the Diversity  Mayor  Eric  Adams  inaugurating  the
        Square in Jackson Heights. More than  March  procession.  Adams  was  ac-
        150  artists  performed  the  traditional  companied by Deputy Commissioner
        ‘shatkantha’ at Times Square early in  Dilip Chauhan from his Office of In-
        the morning for the ‘Mangal Shobha-  ternational Affairs.  Speaking on the
        jatra’, with their voices in perfect har-  occasion,  Chauhan  said  that  Adams
        mony as a chorus, with Mahitosh Taluk-  had always held the Bangladeshi com-
        der Tapas conducting the entire group.  munity in high regard, and that he had
            “This community is made of those  delivered the promises he had made
        who believe in the power of faith,” said  to bring more notice to the commu-
        NYC  Mayor  Eric  Adams  throwing  nity,  of  celebrating  the  Bangladesh
        open the Bengali New Year celebra-  Heritage  Month  at  his  residence,  of   Mayor Eric Adams and Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan enjoying a Pahelo Baisakh Celebration
        tions in Jackson Heights on April 15,  hoisting  the  Bangladesh  flag,  and  of
        2023. He said his administration and  holding the new year celebrations.
        the  government  were  continuously   It was quite a sight to see ladies
        looking at ways to assure that business-  in white sarees with red borders that
        es are supported, that the city is safe,  the women wore, while men were in
        and that an environment is created to  the traditional long ‘kurta’ and pants.
        raise  healthy  children  and  families.  The  participants  who  were  specially
            “And  we  must  do  that  together.  flown in to perform included dancer
        We cannot do that if we are divided.  Laila Hasan and Rabindra Sangeet
        And your faith says that we are sup-  singer Rezwana Chowdhury  Bonya
        posed to have that on the forefront,”  from Bangladesh, and singer Rathin-
        said Adams. “Let us make sure that we  dranath Roy. Chowdhury Banya said
        are not only devoted worshippers, but  the  Bengali  immigrants  had  created
        we are practitioners,” Adams said. “It  history  by  participating  in  the  event
        means that we must be there for our  in spite of their busy and tough lives.
        seniors and older adults during their  Chowdhury Banya said he wished to
        time of need,” he said. Adams encour-  see  such  celebrations  in  other  coun-
        aged people to go out and meet peo-  tries in the world.
        ple  in  the  streets  after  worshipping.   Biswajit Saha Organizer of the
        That would bring an understanding  event  said  more  than  12000  People           Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan with Artists
        of people’s problems and needs and  Participated this magnificent event.

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