Page 20 - The Indian EYE 051724
P. 20
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 17, 2024 | The Indian Eye 20
AARC-Asian American Republican
Coalition Announces its Support to
Donald Trump for his Election as The 47th
President of United States
Edison, NJ
ARC has announced to extend its full sup-
port to President Donald J. Trump to win
Aelections as the 47th President of United
States, at its Press conference recently held at ITV
Gold Auditorium, Edison, NJ. Press Conference
was addressed by Hemant Bhatt, AARC- Founder
and Chairman, Sridhar Chillara, AARC- National
President and Dr. Sudhir Parikh, AARC- Nation-
al Advisor and Chairman, Parikh Worldwide Me-
dia. It was emceed by Sanjiv Pandya, Vice- Chair,
AARC Public Relations and one of the founding
members of AARC.
This Press conference begun by singing Amer-
ican National Anthem by Mathy Pillai, a renowned
singer and pledge of Allegiance by Rima.
Mr. Bhatt in his speech spoke of bringing the
community from regions of US to the Republican
fold. He said that America has been going through
a number of crisis and today’s America is not what
we used to see earlier. There are darkened clouds
all over. He referred the sense of fear for safety
amongst residents, rising prices, cost of living in-
crease, high inflation and ‘America has no border’.
Legal and merit-based immigration is the only way
America is meant for. Illegal immigration would
hurt America big time. He further stated that life
in America was much different even just four years
ago during the Trump Administration, when there
was safety, security, stock markets were booming,
retirement accounts were rich in value and Ameri-
ca was considered as world leader. President Trump
visited North Korea, he was able to take on China
and there would not have been any Ukraine- Rus-
sia war, Hamas Israel war and the world would not
have been on fire as it is today. For these reasons,
AARC announced its full support to President
Trump to win Presidential elections on November party and educated about the values it represents, motherland and for us.
05, 2024. and have to go to polls and vote for Republican Several Asian Indian American Republicans
Mr. Chillara said the voting patterns showed candidates. encouraged and appealed the community to come
how even a small percentage of population like Dr. Parikh recounted his lifelong support and forward in support of President Donald J Trump’s
Asians, Indian Americans could influence the out- engagement with the Republican party over many candidacy.
come of results of elections which are lost by very decades especially since 1992 the administration AARC’s NJ President Dharmesh Patel, Wom-
small margins. Asian Americans, Indian Amer- of President George H.W. Bush, when he and few en wing President Tarang Soni, AARC- PA Pres-
icans and some minorities can change the results Indian Americans republican raised $ 4 Million for ident Yagnesh Chokshi, Community leader Dr.
of elections and we could send our Republican the campaign. This was our community was very Avinash Gupta, Sunil Hali, Nimish Patel, Neil
candidates to White House, Senate and Congress. small and not doing very well at that time. He fur- Shah, Ashish Raval, Peter Carota, Dilip Bhatt, Raj
Asian Americans make about more than 25 Mil- ther mentioned that his 50 years of observation Bansal, Manisha Bhatt, Inder Soni, Nayna Bhatt,
lion. Why can’t we come together? Such power we the Republican party is more pro India than the Michael, Vijay Shah, Pankaj Parikh, Parth Patel,
have. In order to make it happen, large percentage Democratic party and it is proven that Donald J. Ajay Shah and many prominent persons were pres-
of Asians have to be convinced about Republican Trump would be pro India and that is good for the ent at this wonderful event.