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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 22


                             JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            County District Attorney’s Office.
                                                                                                                  Judge Michelle Weber was ap-
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              pointed as a Criminal Court judge in
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-                                                                    April 2024. After graduating from law
               ams has announced four judi-                                                                   school, she joined the Kings County
        Ncial appointments to Criminal                                                                        District Attorney’s Office where she
        Court. “Public safety and justice are                                                                 began her legal career as a misde-
        the prerequisites to prosperity, and                                                                  meanor line assistant in the Red Trial
        these judges have the experience and                                                                  Zone. She went on to serve as grand
        integrity required to ensure that the                                                                 jury assistant and senior assistant dis-
        criminal  justice  system  continues  to                                                              trict attorney in different trial zones,
        work for the betterment of all New                                                                    including the Special Victims Bureau
        Yorkers,” said Mayor Adams. “These                                                                    and Crimes Against Children Bureau
        individuals have shown to be among                                                                    before becoming the deputy bureau
        the best and the brightest minds in                                                                   chief of the Domestic Violence Bu-
        their field and I look forward to their                                                               reau, Integrated Domestic Violence
        continued service to this city.”                                                                      Court.
            “In appointing four new criminal                                                                      Prior to her appointment to the
        court judges, this administration reaf-                                                               bench, Judge Weber served as the
        firms its commitment to justice that                                                                  unit chief of the Elder Abuse Unit of
        is fair and swift for all New Yorkers,”                                                               the Domestic Violence Bureau.
        said City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa  criminal and civil matters at trial and  before joining the Richmond Coun-  Judge Christopher Whitehair
        Zornberg. “Having a high-quality, in-  appeal.  Thereafter,  he  joined  the  ty  District  Attorney’s  Office  as  an   was appointed as a Criminal Court
        dependent judiciary is critical to our  Brooklyn Defender Services as a staff  assistant district attorney in the Do-  judge  in  April  2024.  After  graduat-
        American democratic ideals.”      attorney in criminal practice and then  mestic Violence Bureau, the Narcot-  ing from law school, he joined Stat-
            Mayor Adams appointed the fol-  as a senior staff attorney in the homi-  ics-Investigations Bureau, and the   en Island Legal Defense Services.
        lowing judges to Criminal Court:  cide practice.                    Economic Crimes Bureau. Thereaf-  Judge  Whitehair  then  left  to  join
            Judge Edward Daniels was ap-      Judge Daniel Lewis was appoint-  ter,  Judge  Lewis  served  as  the  lead   Queens Defenders (formerly known
        pointed  as  a  Criminal  Court  judge  ed as a Criminal Court judge in April  attorney at the New York state De-  as Queens Law Associates), where
        in April 2024. After graduating from  2024. After graduating from law  partment of Taxation and Finance’s   he served for 15 years. Prior to his
        law  school,  Judge  Daniels  joined  a  school, Judge Lewis joined a private  Criminal Investigations Division. Pri-  appointment to the bench, Judge
        private firm in Washington, D.C. Af-  firm as an associate. He also began  or to his appointment to the bench,   Whitehair was a supervising attorney
        ter briefly establishing a solo practice  serving as an operational law attor-  Judge Lewis served as unit chief of   while serving as the director of re-
        in New York, he joined another firm  ney for the New York Army National  the Crimes Against Revenue Unit   cruitment and hiring at Queens De-
        as  an associate handling complex  Guard/United States Army Reserve  of the Fraud Bureau in the Queens   fenders.

            NYC Mayor Completes Rollout of Composting

                                               in All Public Schools

                 ew York City Mayor Eric Adams, New  dens grow, and creating power through renewable  year.”
                 York City Department of Education  energy here in the New York City area.            “I am grateful for the collaboration between
          N(DOE) Chancellor David C. Banks,              “Composting  is  a  win-win-win  —  it  keeps  the Department of Sanitation and Department
          and New York City Department of Sanitation  waste out of landfills, greenhouse gases out of the  of Education to deliver for New York’s school
          (DSNY) Commissioner Jessica Tisch have an-  atmosphere, and rats out of our communities,”  kids — this is what New Yorkers expect and how
          nounced that the Adams administration has  said Mayor Adams.                             it should work,” said Deputy Mayor for Opera-
          completed its expansion of composting to ev-   “We’re proud to bring our nation-leading  tions Meera Joshi.
          ery single New York City public school, three  composting program to all of our city’s public   “The best learning happens when we con-
          months ahead of schedule.                  schools ahead of schedule, and we’re excited for  nect what’s in the classroom and the real world.
              That means that all New York City public  the cleaner, greener buildings and sidewalks that  This program not only pays dividends for the
          schools are now composting their food waste —  this initiative will create. Today’s announcement  environment, but for our kids as well, who are
          putting their orange peels, uneaten pizza crusts,  is a major step towards our rollout of free, easy  the climate crisis natives who will have to be
          compostable food trays, and more to beneficial  weekly curbside composting to every New Yorker,  smarter on the environment than any genera-
          use for the city and for the planet, helping gar-  on every block, in every borough by the end of this  tion prior.”

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