Page 16 - The Indian EYE 051724
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                   MAY 17, 2024

                                     SIKH SEPARATIST GROUPS

         Indian envoy to Canada talks of ‘big red

                    line’ as bilateral relations worsen

          US awaiting results of Indian investigation of the alleged plot to kill New York-based Pannun

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                               “I would refer you to the Cana-
                                                                                                              dian authorities to speak to the de-
        Montreal/Washington, DC
                                                                                                              tails of the investigation there. With
           ndian High Commissioner to Can-                                                                    respect to the indictment that was
           ada  Sanjay  Kumar  Verma  said                                                                    returned in the United States, I will
        Ithat the Sikh separatist groups in                                                                   let the Department of Justice speak
        Canada were crossing ‘a big red line’                                                                 on behalf of that in detail,” he said
        in his first public remarks since three                                                               to the reporters while responding
        Indian nationals accused of killing                                                                   to a question on the allegations that
        Khalistan separatist Hardeep Singh                                                                    Indian government officials were in-
        Nijjar  last  year  were  arrested  and                                                               volved in a plot to assassinate Pan-
        produced before a court by Canadian                                                                   nun, a US citizen and a separatist
        police. He said that New Delhi sees it                                                                Sikh leader.
        as a matter of national security and of                                                                  “And then the only thing further I
        the country’s territorial integrity.                                                                  would say: when it comes to the State
           “Indians will decide the fate of In-                                                               Department, we  had  made  it clear
        dia, not the foreigners,” Verma told                                                                  right when these allegations were
        the Montreal Council on Foreign Re-  underneath the recent “negative” de-  see the results of the Indian investiga-  first made public that it’s something
        lations, a prominent think-tank.  velopments have to do with Canada’s   tions on allegations related to a plot   we think India should take very seri-
            He  also  told  the  Council  that   misunderstanding of “decades-old is-  to  assassinate  Sikh  separatist  lead-  ously and investigate,” Miller added.
        relations between India and Canada   sues,” which he blames Canadians of   er Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in the   Slamming the report by The
        are positive overall despite “a lot of   Indian origin for resurfacing.  US, State Department Spokesperson   Washington Post, India had strongly
        noise”.                               He said his chief concern is “na-  Matthew Miller told reporters.   rejected the claims, saying that the re-
            Verma also said that the two   tional-security threats emanating   “They   (Indian   government)  port made “unwarranted and unsub-
        countries are “trying to resolve this   from the land of Canada,” noting that   opened a committee of inquiry to   stantiated” imputations on a serious
        issue.” “We are ready to sit down at   India does not recognise dual nation-  look into the matter, and that work is   matter and that an investigation into
        the table any day, and we are doing   ality, so anyone who emigrates is con-  ongoing; we’ll wait to see the results.  the case was underway.
        that,” he said.                   sidered a foreigner.              But we made it very clear that it’s   “The report in question makes
            On Tuesday, India told Canada    “Foreigners having, if I can call it,  something that we are taking serious-  unwarranted and  unsubstantiated
        that  celebration  and  glorification  of   (an) evil eye on the territorial integri-  ly and we think they, too, should take   imputations on a serious matter,” Ex-
        violence should not be a part of any   ty of India — that is a big red line for   this seriously,” State Department   ternal Affairs Ministry Spokesperson
        civilised society.                us,” he said.                     Spokesperson Matthew Miller told   Randhir Jaiswal said in New Delhi
            Verma said the deeper problems    Meanwhile, the US is waiting to   reporters at his daily news conference.  last Tuesday.

                     GOPIO Writes to Rutgers University on Protesting Students’ Demand

                r. Thomas Abraham, Chair-  and Kashmiris - in all areas displaying   tory for Rutgers to  get involved.  By   ginning of more sit ins by students
                man, Global Organization   international flags across the Rutgers   even considering this demand, you   who are opposed to such flags.”
         Dof People of Indian Origin      campuses.                         are questioning the integrity of India.   “As a public educational insti-
          (GOPIO) wrote a letter to Rutgers   “We are very  surprised  to read   Kashmir is very much part of India.   tution, which belongs to everyone,
          University President Jonathan Hol-  that you are considering the demand   There is no separate flag for Kashmir.   Rutgers University has no business
          loway on Protesting Students’ De-  of protesting students to display the   Kashmir residents are not displaced   to  get  into  the  internal  conflicts  of
          mand to Display Flags of Displaced   flags of occupied peoples - including   people. In fact, the displaced people   countries around the world,” the let-
          People in Rutgers campus. Students   but not limited to Palestinians, Kurds,   are the Hindu minorities who had to   ter continued.
          had  demanded  to  display  flags  of   and Kashmiris - in all areas displaying   leave  Kashmir  because  of  violence   GOPIO  is  non-profit,  commu-
          occupied  peoples  -  including  but   international flags across the Rutgers   against them. If Rutgers displays such   nity service and advocacy group with
          not limited to Palestinians, Kurds,   campuses. This is a dangerous terri-  a flag of Kashmir, that will be the be-  chapters in 35 countries.

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