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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 06, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 24

                       India’s Eminent Parliamentarian

                   Suresh Prabhu honored in Chicago

        CHICAGO, IL
                                                                                                              scribed Suresh Prabhu a passionate
                                                                                                              votary of reforms who relentlessly
           ndian American Business Council                                                                    strived  to  redefine  the  parameters
           [IABC] hosted a rousing recep-
        Ition in honor of distinguished vis-                                                                  of growth ushering positive transfor-
                                                                                                              mation in the Indian society. Gerard
        iting Member of Parliament & Former                                                                   Moore, Staff Director for Congress-
        Central Minister Suresh Prabhakar                                                                     man Danny Davis presented  Suresh
        Prabhu at a ceremony held in Down-                                                                    Prabhu with the congressional procla-
        er’s grove, Illinois on April 20, 2022.
                                                                                                              mation that chronicled his invaluable
                                                                                                              contributions to the people of India.
        The reception attracted a great                                                                       Vinesh Virani, IABC’s Executive Vice

        host of community’s prominent                                                                         President conducted the question &
                                                                                                              answer session and while proposing
        organizational leaders who paid                                                                       the vote of thanks recognized and ac-
        glowing tributes to Suresh Pra-                                                                       knowledged the presence of many or-
                                                                                                              ganizational leaders for their presence
        bhu for his exemplary services                                                                        to honor Suresh Prabhu.
                                                                                                                  Several other prominent organi-
        as the former central minister    Commerce & Industry with absolute   opment. As an institution, my focus  zational leaders who spoke at the re-
        and as a renowned Indian par-     distinction.                      is on high-impact areas such as en-  ception including Dr. Vemuri Murthy,
                                              Dr. Suresh Reddy, Trustee Oak-
        liamentarian who leaves behind    brook Village introduction Suresh   trepreneurship, healthcare, creativity,  Harish Kolasani, Krishna Bansal, Ha-
                                                                            education, and leadership. Our great  rendra Mangrola, Rakesh Malhotra,
        indelible footprints for his ster-  Prabhu as  a  visionary  who  presided   ethos  and  culture  of  inquiry  have  to  Sanjay  Shah,  Shiveda,  Hema  Virani,
        ling reputation as a man of im-   over as central minister with remark-  be explored and applied in a modern  Nirav Patel, Subu Nagasubramani-
                                          able honor and lauded him for his dis-
                                                                            sense. Education is the medium to do  am, Manoj Singamsetti,, Ganesh Kar,
        peccable integrity.               tinguished credentials that propelled   this, he added.             Hema Virani, JD Digsnvker and Ro-
                                          him to the league of top three Indian   Earlier, Keerthi Kumar Ravoori,  hit Joshi.
            Ajeet Singh, IABC President &  leaders in Asia.                 IABC’s Chair in his remarks de-       --Asian Media USA
        principal host - welcoming the gath-  Shweta Baid, Alderwoman, City
        ering of the distinguished guests -  of Aurora, Meghna Bansal, Trustee,
        heaped a generous measure of praise  Wheatland Township and Judge Ka-
        on Suresh Prabhu for his illustrious  vita Athanikar joined with their gra-
        record of accomplishment of remark-  cious remarks extolling the leadership
        able distinction and the honor with  of Suresh Prabhu.
        which he served the government of     Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu in his
        India spanning decades with spotless  comprehensive  remarks  thanked
        integrity coupled with unwavering   Indian American Business Council

        devotion to the principles of honesty.  [IABC] for hosting such a warm re-
        Dr. Sreenivas Reddy, Chair of the Il-  ception and said he is deeply touched
        linois Medical Board – in his remarks  by the lavish outpouring of honor and
        – extolled the yeoman leadership of  acclamation.  He commended the role
        Suresh Prabhu and described him as  of NRI’s in fostering historic Indo-US
        a highly admired Indian statesman  relations, which he added largely due
        who played significant role serving as  to your unwavering ambassadorial ef-
        the Indian Emissary and Sherpa at  forts.
        the G20 & G7 Summit. Dr. Sreenivas    Suresh Prabhu presented a de-
        Reddy added that he leaves behind  tailed historical overview that shaped
        enduring  footprints  with  his  ground-  India and he delved extensively on
        breaking program initiatives that are  education. Suresh Prabhu indicated
        directed towards the welfare of the cit-  that he is collaborating with Ameri-
        izens and the betterment of the poor.  can universities to foster a larger and
            Dr. Bharat Barai speaking ‘live’  a wider scope of learning in the Uni-
        from a remote location hailed Suresh  versity  he  founded.    He  said  India’s
        Prabhu for his exceptional leadership  role in a 21st-century world is that of
        and his vision and thanked him for his  immense responsibility and it is our
        extraordinary services to the people  duty to align the objectives of our in-
        of India. Dr. Bharat Barai thanked  stitutions to the larger vision of the
        Suresh Prabhu for presiding over  nation. Suresh Prabhu added that the
        some  of  the  most  significant  portfo-  university he founded is based on the
        lios of Railways, Civil Aviation and  principles of social impact and devel-

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