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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 06, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 28

         Vidya Jyoti Inaugural Gala a Celebrated

                                                 as Grand Affair

        CHICAGO, IL

              idya Jyoti, a newly formed
              non-profit organization, held
        Va glittering Inaugural Gala on
        Sunday, April 24, 2022, at Embassy
        Suites in Naperville, Illinois. The vi-
        sion of Vidya Jyoti is that every child
        in India can realize her/his dreams
        and break the cycle of poverty by
        having easy access to quality educa-
        tion, The mission of Vidya Jyoti is
        to channel funds from generous and
        committed donors of North Ameri-
        ca to dedicated and bright students
        in India who are facing financial bar-
        riers in their educational journey.
            Thanking the community for its
        love and support, Pratibha Jairath,
        Founding President of Vidya Jyoti,
        welcomed the 300 strong audience.

        The Gala attracted social and
        business leaders from around

        the Chicago area. The chief                                                                           Jairath and Mr. Brij Sharma. The
        guest for the gala was the                                                                            evening also included introduction
        philanthropist Mr. Anil Loomba,                                                                       of all sponsors and the Board of
                                                                                                              Vidya Jyoti.
        CEO of Home  Mortgage Solu-                                                                               The highlight of the evening

        tions, inc.                                                                                           was the presentation of plaques to
                                                                                                              18 champions of  education who
                                                                                                              have achieved great success in their
            “It is a dream come true,” said
        Pratibha in her welcome address.                                                                      profession and businesses. After re-
                                                                                                              ceiving  a  bouquet  of  flowers  from
        “It is gratifying to see so many oth-                                                                 a family member, these awardees
        ers share this vision of raising funds                                                                walked the red carpet to receive
        to help underprivileged children in                                                                   their plaques that recognized them
        India.” Madhu Uppal, the Founding                                                                     for their Exceptional Leadership
        Vice-President, in her address re-                                                                    and Service for Education.
        minded the audience of the Hindu                                                                          The evening also included a
        belief of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam,                                                                       dance drama focusing on the theme
        to look at the world as one family                                                                    of transformational power of educa-
        and think of world’s children as our                                                                  tion, thrilling Polish, Irish and Mex-
        children.                                                                                             ican dances in traditional costumes,
            Dr.  Santosh  Kumar,  CEO
        of   Metropolitan  Asian  Fami-   noted the need for support for the   congratulations and extended their   and a mesmerizing Tabla Jugalban-
                                                                                                              di. The entertainment was topped
        ly, in her Keynote address spoke   many families  with  limited  means.   best wishes for success to Vidya Jy-  off with a traditional Kathak dance.
        about her own journey and cred-   She also extended her willingness to   oti.                         Another highlight was auction with
        ited education for helping her    help guide Vidya Jyoti’s work.        Vidya Jyoti recognized the tre-  MacDougall and other gowns, As-
        reach   her   present   position.     Among  the  dignitaries  present   mendous support of the many spon-  pen stay package and a lot more.
            Mrs. Malti Loomba, retired Di-
                                                                                                                  “The event exceeded every
        rector of Schools in India, accompa-  were Dr. Gopal Lalmalani, Mayor,   sors including Grand Sponsors Dr.   expectation that we had had,” re-
                                                                            Bhupinder Beri, Mr. Sanjiv Gulati,
                                          Village of Oak Brook, Judge Kavi-
        nied by her son Mr. Anil Loomba,   ta Athanikar, Circuit Court Judge,   Mr. Vimal Jairath and Mr. Bill Lyon   marked Pratibha. “Everything pro-
        performed the ribbon cutting cere-  Mrs. Shweta Baid, Alderwoman,   as well as Benefactors Mrs. Anita   ceeded smoothly, for which I must
        mony and offered her blessings to   City of Aurora, Mrs. Meghana Ban-  Beri, Dr. Inshu Belani, Mr. Ra-  thank our Board, all the volunteers
        this noble effort. She spoke about   sal, Trustee for Wheatland Township   mesh Mehra, Mrs. Sarita Sood, Mr.   as well as all the others whose work
        her own experiences as teacher,   and Kevin Morrison, Cook County   Anil Sharma (of Toronto, Canada),   made it a very successful evening.”
        principal  and,  finally,  director  and
                                          Commissioner. Each offered their   Dr. Sarbjit Bhandal, Mrs. Pratibha   --Asian Media USA

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