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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 06, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 22

          Community leaders host event for

            Sharon Quirk Silva and Kim Carr

        OUR BUREAU                        once shared by Alan Lowenthal and   munities.  One of the main problems   celebrating Earth Day by investing
                                          Lucille Royal-Allard.  Both decided   is homelessness. State Senator Bob   our planet.
        Los Angeles, CA
                                          not to run for a Congressional seat   Archuleta will no longer be repre-  The guests enjoyed talking to
             ay Bharat Restaurant owner   and to retire.                    senting Artesia, so former Mayor of   both candidates, sharing photos and
             Bharat (Jay) Morari, Yogi Pa-    Due to redistricting, Assembly-  Huntington Beach Kim Carr is hop-  enjoying appetizers and dessert.
        Jtel, President of Indo-Amer-     woman Sharon Quirk Siiva now is   ing to replace him in the state sen-  Present were members of the Arte-
        ican Cultural Society and Parimal   running not only in Orange County,   ate.  Although the district leans more   sia Chamber of Commerce, Cerritos
        Shah, Chairperson of Cerritos Col-  but also in Hawaiian Gardens, Cerri-  Republican, she is known for moving   College  and  the  Hubert  Humphrey
        lege Foundation hosted an event for   tos and Artesia.              across the aisle to get support for her   Democratic Club.
        Sharon Quirk Silva and Kim Carr on    The district leans Democratic, so   agenda and is confident she can con-  Also present were Mayor Melisia
        April 22.                         Siva should be the winner when the   tinue to do so in Sacramento.  Ramoso and Council member Ali Taj
            Every 10 years the United States   votes are counted in November. She   Bharat Morari said, “It was an   from Artesia, former Mayor Frank
        has to redistrict.  In California it is   was introduced by Larry Caballero,   honor to host both women at my   Yokoyama from Cerritos and Cer-
        done by a nonpartisan committee   President  of  the  Hubert  Humphrey   restaurant where they were able to   ritos College Board of Trustees Dr.
        that draws the lines for the assembly,   Democratic Club of Artesia, Cerritos   share their agendas to make Artesia   Shin Liu.
        state senate and Congress. Assembly-  and a close friend of Silva.  better.”                              Both women were excited to be
        woman Christina Garcia has decided    She shared her experience in      Businessman Yogi Patel said that   present to share their stories and are
        not to run for reelection in order to   Sacramento and some of the issues   both women will do a great job repre-  looking forward to the next opportu-
        run for Congress in the open seat   that are causing problems in our com-  senting Artesia in Sacramento. Also   nity to work with Indians.

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