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Op-Ed APRIL 23, 2021 | The Indian Eye 20
Who really owns india’s covid disaster?
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
s in so many of the pan- lishment, is concerned, it defi-
demic’s worst-hit coun- nitely knows the best course
Atries, this tragedy was ahead – put curbs and control
avoidable — and is largely the on both democracy and oxygen.
fault of a boastful and incompe- And it is the youth vigilante
tent government. Yet, judging groups that will ensure that.”
by the fate of other bungling -- Sidharth Bhatia, The Wire
far-right politicians such as Bra- a bitter pill
zil’s Jair Bolsonaro, the U.K.’s
Boris Johnson, Hungary’s Vik- here will be the temptation
tor Urban, and the Philippines’ from some quarters to em-
Rodrigo Duterte, Indian Prime Tbrace debt monetization.
Minister Narendra Modi may This is not advisable given the
well suffer few political conse- sky-high debt level (90 per cent
quences for his devastating mis- of GDP) and the unfortunate
steps. context: coincidence of rising
Like those other leaders, domestic inflation because of
Modi has spent more time di- People carry the cutout of Prime Minister Narendra Modi the pandemic and from outside
minishing the pandemic’s seri- during the preparation for his election rally at Shaheed Minar ground in (accelerating price growth of
ousness than combating it. In Kolkata on Thursday. (ANI) commodities); increased chal-
early March, even as cases in In- lenge from divergent growth
dia rose alarmingly, he boasted hi high court that diverting ox- democracy and oxygen paths of advanced economies;
that the country would serve as ygen supplies from UP would “The new Indian mid- the powering fiscal stimulation
“the world’s pharmacy,” churn- cause a backlash. Discord has dle-class – aspirational Indians – of the US, and the risks arising
ing out vaccines for developing also surfaced down south with has cheered all these initiatives from unexpected changes in its
nations. His health minister TN objecting to diversion of ox- and is in complete sync with the monetary policy. These pose
judged India to have entered ygen to meet Andhra and Tel- political class. This middle-class grave macroeconomic concerns
the “endgame” of the pandemic. angana needs. Meanwhile less doesn’t believe in abstract no- that could snowball with the
In a new cricket stadium affected states may be holding tions like free expression. All adoption of this path.
named after Modi, tens of thou- onto stocks because of similar its fantasies are coming true There’s no doubt that the
sands of largely unmasked peo- local sentiments, plus concerns – greater control over malcon- nascent economic recovery that
ple turned out to watch matches about the pandemic’s trajectory tents, be they of the wrong reli- was steadily gaining strength as
between India and England last and central assistance. gion or work for human rights of recently as one month ago will
month. Many more unprotect- Centre has to smoothly co- the poor and the marginalised. suffer setbacks of unknown
ed people turned out for Mo- ordinate interstate supplies Indeed, they see the poor as a magnitude, pulling down tax
di’s recent election rallies in the and build trust. Improvisation drag on the economy and on revenues. Analysts have already
state of West Bengal, and an es- by diverting industrial oxygen India’s future trajectory as a su- started lowering growth fore-
timated 3.5 million people have to meet Covid needs has com- per power – nothing would give casts for this year. But the virus
attended, with the encourage- menced. them more satisfaction than the is no respecter of predictions.
ment of Modi’s Hindu national- India Inc is also stepping up poor, the vulnerable and the un- The only course for now is to
ist colleagues, the Kumbh Mela to the occasion with RIL, Tata healthy simply disappearing. spend to save lives and mitigate
religious festival.” Sons and other companies sig- The pandemic is hitting peo- sufferings — even the most re-
Pankaj mishra, nificantly augmenting supply of ple irrespective of religion, caste silient abilities can slide into
The Print liquid oxygen and cryo contain- and privilege – will the death despair with constant, repeated
ers. All hands must be on deck. and destruction change their knocks. The economic conse-
Building the trust India started the pandemic with minds, perhaps demand more quences will have to be faced.”
shortages of masks, PPE kits governance and accountability?
renu Kohli,
tate borders should mat- and testing infrastructure but Will Goyal’s seeming insensitiv- The Telegraph
ter little in a pandemic. quickly scaled up. Today’s cri- ity upset and anger them? Will
SAnd yet they do. MP CM sis can be tided over too with a they finally see that incompe- Every week, we look at what
Chouhan worked the phone spirit of humaneness, coopera- tence is costing lives, including
lines after oxygen supplies from tion and accommodation. Let of their near and dear ones? the top commentators in the
four neighbouring states were the politics take a back seat.” We shall see, though I wouldn’t Indian media are talking about
stalled by local officers. A Union editorial, place a large bet on it. and bring to you a slice of their
opinions and comments.
health ministry official told Del- The Times of India As far as the Indian estab-
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