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P. 18

OPINION                                                                      APRIL 23, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          18

        strongly in favour of a rules- sion in this regard.                      analysts as an attempt by China        Ashok Sajjanhar is President,
        based international order.              It is disquieting that China  to create fissures in the transat- Institute of Global Studies, and a
            China  has  been  trying  to  has been trying to sow dissen- lantic partnership.                           former Ambassador of India to
        spread the false narrative that  sions within the EU by promot-              India and the EU, with 1.3  Kazakhstan, Sweden and Latvia.
        its system has been eminently  ing the 17+1 initiative, focusing  billion and 450 million peo-
        successful in dealing with the  on the central and the eastern  ple respectively, are the largest               Views expressed are of the author
        health and economic crises un- European countries. The con- democratic spaces in the world                      and do not necessarily reflect the
        leashed by the pandemic while  clusion of the Comprehensive  and natural allies, who adhere to                   views of the Manohar Parrikar
        democracies have failed misera- Agreement on Investment on  and promote rule of law, within                      IDSA or of the Govt. of India.
        bly at handling it. This is even as  the last day of the German Pres- their own territories and in the          This is the abridged version of
        China has tried to hide details of  idency on December 30, 2020  world. India and the EU stand                  the article which appeared first
        the coronavirus outbreak when  has sent confusing signals to the  on the threshold of an oppor-                 in the Comment section of the
        it first erupted in Wuhan in No- world about the EU’s interest  tunity to ramp up their engage-                website ( of Mano-
        vember 2019 and subsequently  and commitment to push back  ment to promote peace, security  har Parrikar Institute for Defense
        did not accept responsibility for  against Chinese authoritarian  and prosperity domestically, re- Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        its acts of commission and omis- policies. This is seen by several  gionally and globally.                           on March 31, 2021

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