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OPINION                                                                      APRIL 23, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          16

                           india-eu PartnersHiP:

                             can the unfulfilled

                     potential Be realised?

        China is trying to sow dissensions within the EU by promoting the 17+1 initiative

        asHOk sajjanHar                                                                                               possible, countries that have
                                                                                                                      significant  interests  in  peace

              he 16th India-Europe-                                                                                   and security in the region could
              an Union (EU) Summit                                                                                    get actively associated with the
                                                                                                                      deliberations to enhance coop-
       Tmeeting will take place in                                                                                    eration on common objectives.
        Porto, Portugal on May 8, 2021.                                                                               Countries like France (and even
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi                                                                                  the UK, although it is not for-
        will get an opportunity to in-
        teract with leaders of all 27 EU                                                                              mally part of the EU), for in-
                                                                                                                      stance, could get associated with
        Member States and also con-                                                                                   Quad activities in a formal or an
        fer with Charles Michel, Pres-                                                                                ad-hoc manner. This would pro-
        ident of the European Council,                                                                                vide greater substance to the de-
        as well as Ursula von der Ley-                                                                                sire and aspiration of the EU to
        en, President of the European
        Commission.                                                                                                   become a geo-political entity of
            Both India and the EU have                                                                                standing.
                                                                                                                          China’s aggression against
        been keen to maintain the mo-                                                                                 India that led to the loss of lives
        mentum in their bilateral inter-                                                                              at Galwan and the amassing of
        actions, despite the challenges                                                                               troops and military equipment
        posed by the pandemic. The                                                                                    on the Indo-Tibetan border in
        two sides, for instance, met in a
        virtual format in July 2020. In-                                                                              violation of agreements signed
        dia-EU interactions have taken                                                                                by it, its threatening posture
        place in the context of a chal-                                                                               against Japan, repeated viola-
                                                                                                                      tions  of  air  defence  identifica-
        lenging geo-political situation                                                                               tion zone (ADIZ) of Taiwan,
        due to the rise of China on one                                                                               apart from its flagrant violation
        hand and the decline of multi-                                                                                of human rights in East Turk-
        lateralism, on the other. While
        these dynamics were present                                                                                   istan (Xinjiang), Tibet, Hong
        even before the onset of the                                                                                  Kong, and South Mongolia,
                                                                                                                      stand out.
        pandemic, they have witnessed                                                                                     China’s  muscle-flexing  in
        a sharp acceleration as a result                                                                              the South China Sea by occu-
        of the pandemic.                                                                                              pying and militarising islands
            The EU is India’s largest                 External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar with Minister
        trading partner and largest in-              for Europe & Foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian,       and the Exclusive Economic
        vestor in India. One of the most                          in New Delhi on April 13 (ANi)                      Zone (EEZ) belonging to oth-
        significant areas that both sides                                                                             er littoral States in violation of
                                                                                                                      international law, its so-called
        should focus on is to unblock  by 2009.                                  the prudent approach at this         ‘wolf-warrior’ diplomacy, and
        the discussions on the Bilateral        It  is  reported  that  the  two  stage when the appetite for tak-    proclaiming a charter of 14 de-
        Trade and Investment Agree- sides are  considering  entering  ing ambitious and bold decisions                mands vis-à-vis Australia, are
        ment, which was launched at  into a mini-trade deal to pluck  on both sides would be limited.
        the 7th India-EU Summit held  some of the low-hanging fruits                 The EU could consider cre-       elements of its increasing bel-
        at Helsinki in 2006. Both sides  while continuing discussions on  ating  an  EU-wide  Indo-Pacific            ligerent behavior that should
        had agreed on an ambitious tar- a comprehensive trade agree- approach, which is progressive                   rile India and the EU, who are
        get to complete the negotiations  ment. This would appear to be  and forward looking. If it is not               Continued on next page... >>

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