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SpORTS                                                                   APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 47

          Mumbai Indians’s Rohit Sharma plays a shot during a match between Mumbai Indians and    Mumbai Indians Jasprit Bumrah
                      Royal Challengers Bangalore (ANI Photo/ @IPL Twitter)                           celebrates a wicket

        Kings for a blockbuster Wednes-   also said: “I am hoping they have Ty-  VaIBHaV FeeLs ‘great’ to     in the next season, he was bought
        day-night encounter. Both the teams  mal Mills play if he is available or Ri-                         by Kolkata Knight Riders for Rs 20
        will be desperate to strike the right  ley Meredith who got some pace, or   work under kuMBLe and     lakhs. In the 2022 mega auction, the
        chord of balance that can set their  maybe Mayank Markande or Muru-             rHodes                Punjab-born pacer was bought by
        campaign on the right track. Speak-  gan Ashwin. I am expecting a few   Punjab Kings’ pacer Vaibhav   PBKS for Rs 2 crore.
        ing on the ‘Game Plan’ episode on  changes in the team actually because   Arora, who made his Indian Premier   “I have experience of working un-
        Star Sports, Aakash Chopra said:  if you don’t change anything and ex-  League (IPL) debut with the clash   der Anil Kumble sir and Jonty Rhodes
        “The biggest strength of Mumbai In-  pect a different outcome or results   against Chennai Super Kings, said   sir, as I was a net bowler in 2020. I have
        dians is that they have the best bowl-  that’s not very smart.”     that he feels ‘great’ to work under   been with them in the camps and I am
        er in Jasprit Bumrah. The only issue I   Mumbai  has  been  enmeshed   legends like Anil Kumble and Jonty   very familiar with their style. Now, as
        see with Mumbai Indians and Jasprit  in  an inexplicable  bowling  muck-up   Rhodes. Vaibhav was first part of the   a player, it feels great to work under
        Bumrah is that he has only 4 overs to  where everyone in their ranks has   PBKS camp earlier in 2020 in which   these legends as they share their expe-
        bowl and the opposition acknowledg-  struggled  to  find  their  stride  in  this   he participated as a net bowler. Then   riences and motivates us to do better,”
        es that fact. They respect the 4 overs  IPL season.                                                   Vaibhav Arora told ANI.
        of Bumrah  but in the remaining 16                                                                        Regarding his debut match
        overs, the opposition knows that they                                                                 against CSK, the pacer said that it
        get ample opportunities to score.”                                                                    was the proudest moment of his life
            “If the opposition doesn’t go af-                                                                 when he bowled his first over.
        ter him (Bumrah), then it becomes                                                                         “Playing  my  first  game  against
        very difficult for him to take wickets.                                                               CSK was the proudest moment of
        Because other  bowlers are not put-                                                                   my life. It was a different feeling for
        ting enough pressure, the opposition                                                                  me as my childhood dream of playing
        doesn’t go after Bumrah but the rest, it                                                              in the IPL, finally came true. It was
        is very difficult. He is an asset and MI                                                              very proud for me, my family, and my
        will surely keep someone like Bumrah                                                                  loved ones,” said the pacer.
        as he is a constant threat,” he added.                                                                    “When I started my spell, I was
            Aakash Chopra highlighted the                                                                     quite nervous as it was my debut
        other bowlers of the Mumbai Indi-                                                                     match. But the moment when I took
        ans’ team who can bring some chang-                                                                   Robin  Uthappa’s  wicket,  it  boosted
        es to the results and expects a smart                                                                 my confidence. It was a great feeling
        move from the team.                     Punjab Kings Vaibhav Arora takes the catch of Mumbai Indians’ Ishan Kishan  to dismiss such an experienced bat-
            The Indian cricket commentator                                                                    ter,” he added.

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