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BUSINESS EYE                                                             APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 42

         record exports and lower growth:

                   Indian economy swings amid

                                        global uncertainty

           World Bank has slashed India’s GDP forecast for fiscal year 2022-23 to 8% from 8.7%

                  predicted earlier, citing worsening supply bottlenecks and rising inflation risks

        OuR BuREAu                                                                                                Meanwhile, the Asian Develop-
                                                                                                              ment Bank Outlook 2022 earlier said
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              that India is likely to maintain its
            ndia’s Services exports for the                                                                   position as the fastest-growing major
           first  time  achieved  the  targeted                                                               economy with a growth rate of 7.5%
        IUSD 250 Billion during April-                                                                        for 2022-23 on strong investment
        March 2021-22, exhibiting a positive                                                                  prospects against 5 per cent for Chi-
        growth of 21.31 per cent over fiscal                                                                  na in January-December 2022.
            For the month of March 2022,                                                                      the adB had said that India’s
        the  estimated  value  of  Services  ex-
        port is USD 22.52 Billion, exhibiting                                                                 growth in the next fiscal year
        a positive growth of 8.31 per cent                                                                    2023-24 will accelerate further
        vis-a-vis March 2021. India’s overall
        exports (Merchandise and Services)                                                                    to 8%, though China will wit-
        touched an all-time high of USD                                                                       ness a deceleration in growth
        669.65 Billion in April-March 2021-
        22, jumping by 34.50 per cent over                                                                    to 4.8% in 2023.
        the same period last year. For the last
        month, March 2022, India’s exports                                                                        The World Bank raised its
        grew by 15.51 per cent in March 2022    Congress Party supporters stage a demonstration against the Central government over    growth forecast for Pakistan, the re-
        to USD 64.75 Billion over the same   the hike in the prices of fuel and LPg cylinders in front of Indian Oil Bhawan, Eastern Regional   gion’s second-largest economy, for
        period last year.                                                                                     the current year ending in June, to
            Addressing a press conference                          office, in Kolkata (ANI)                   4.3% from 3.4% and kept next year’s
        here today, the Minister of Com-                                                                      growth outlook unchanged at 4%.
        merce and Industry, Consumer Af-  was set high, and yet doable,” he said.  2022-23 to 8% from 8.7% predict-  The region’s dependence on  ener-
        fairs, Food and Public Distribution   Goyal said if we have to make In-  ed earlier, citing worsening sup-  gy imports meant high crude prices
        and Textiles, Piyush Goyal said India   dia a developed nation, we will have   ply  bottlenecks  and  rising  inflation   forced its economies to pivot their
        has achieved this exports high de-  to increase our international engage-  risks caused by Russia’s invasion   monetary  policies  to  focus  on  infla-
        spite the slowdown in the economy   ment. The government has struck vi-  of  Ukraine.  The  World  Bank  on   tion rather than reviving economic
        worldwide due to the Covid-19 pan-  tal trade deals with the UAE and Aus-  Wednesday lowered its growth esti-  growth after nearly two years of pan-
        demic and the recent geopolitical de-  tralia towards this end, he said, adding   mate for India,  the  region’s  largest   demic restrictions.
        velopments in Europe.             more FTAs and Comprehensive       economy, to 8% from 8.7% for the      The World Bank slashed this
           “Services sector has achieved the   Trade Agreements are in the works   current  fiscal  year  to  March,  2023   year’s growth forecast for Maldives
        all-time high despite Services like   with the EU, UK, Canada and Israel.  and cut by a full percentage point the   to 7.6% from 11%, citing its large
        Tourism, Aviation and Hospitality in-  “Starting from ‘whole of the Gov-  growth outlook for South Asia, ex-  imports of fossil fuels and a slump
        dustry being severely affected due to   ernment’ approach, today ‘Whole of   cluding Afghanistan, to 6.6%.  in tourism arrivals from Russia and
        the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.  the Nation’ has joined hands to make   The international lender said   Ukraine. It raised crisis-hit Sri Lan-
            Goyal said India has been able   India emerge as a trusted partner at   that in India, household consump-  ka’s 2022 growth forecast to 2.4%
        to exceed the overall exports target   the international level, dedicating   tion will be constrained by the in-  from 2.1% but warned the island’s
        of $ 650 Billion due to the visionary   itself to turn into an economy that   complete recovery of the labor mar-  outlook was highly uncertain due to
        leadership of Prime Minister Naren-  provides quality goods and services   ket  from  Covid-19  and  inflationary   fiscal and external imbalances.
        dra Modi that we turn India into an   to the world,” he said.       pressures. “High oil and food prices   Sri Lanka’s central bank said on
        export focussed economy. “The PM      Goyal said that India is now an in-  caused by the war in Ukraine will   Tuesday it had become “challenging
        himself conducted meetings with   ternational aligned economy and the   have a strong negative impact on   and impossible” to repay external
        India’s 180 missions abroad. Hectic   world is our market today, not India.  peoples’ real incomes,” Hartwig   debt, as it tries to use its dwindling
        parleys were held with the Export     But the World Bank has slashed   Schafer, World Bank Vice President   foreign exchange reserves to import
        Promotion Councils and then the bar   India’s GDP forecast for fiscal year   for South Asia, said in a statement.  essentials like fuel.

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