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BUSINESS EYE                                                             APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 45

                                                              Tech T@lk

             google releases secret ios                                     twitter acquires openBack, the

         app that helps users switch to                                     mobile engagement platform to

                          android easily                                         enhance push notifications

               oogle has secretly released an                                    witter has acquired the Dub-
               unlisted app named ‘Switch                                        lin-based mobile engagement
        Gto Android’ for iOS that helps                                     Tplatform, OpenBack, to regu-
        users to switch from iOS to Android                                 late  and  enhance  device-side  control
        in a hassle-free manner. The ‘Switch                                of push notifications. It will join Twit-
        To Android’ app works wirelessly,                                   ter’s Bluebird product team and work
        which means there’s no need to con-                                 towards enhancing notifications on the   prove our ability to deliver the right
        nect the two phones with a cable, as                                social media platform.            notifications at the right time, in a way
        reported by 9to5Google.                                                 Jay Sullivan, Twitter’s head of con-  that puts people’s privacy first,” Sulli-
            “The Switch to Android app from                                 sumer product, took to the micro-blog-  van further said.
        Google helps you quickly and securely                               ging platform to announce the acqui-  As per TechCrunch, a Twitter
        move your most important data types,                                sition of OpenBack on Tuesday. “The   spokesperson has addressed the col-
        photos, videos, contacts, and calen-  app description reads.        best push notifications bring people to   laboration by saying that the company
        dar events to a brand new Android     Barring the conventional style   the conversations they care about on   wants to ensure what people are noti-
        device without fussy cables. The app   of transferring data while switching   Twitter,” Sullivan tweeted.  fied about on Twitter is relevant, timely
        also walks you through other import-  phones, the new Google app helps in   “But irrelevant notifications are a   and engaging.
        ant steps to setting up your device, like   making the process of data shifting a   distraction. With millions of people vis-  Taking to Twitter, OpenBack CEO
        turning off iMessage so you don’t miss   lot easier and time-efficient.  iting Twitter via notifications every day,   David Shackleton said that the goal of
        text messages from friends and family.   Although the app is unlisted yet,   we want them to be timely, relevant   OpenBack was to “make push notifica-
        The app will ask you for a series of per-  the app can be downloaded through a   and engaging,” Sullivan added.  tions truly user first for billions of people
        missions so that your iPhone’s data can   direct link but it is yet to make an ap-  “OpenBack and their talented   in a new way,” and that the opportuni-
        be moved to your Android device,” the   pearance on the Play Store.  team joining Twitter will help us im-  ty to work with Twitter fulfils that goal.

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