Page 16 - The Indian EYE 041522
P. 16

OP-ED                                                                    APRIL 15, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 16

                                        HOW ABOUT

                   PRINTING A HOUSE!

                              The possibility of 3D printing of houses has generated a lot of excitement.

                 Will this new construction technique solve the affordable housing challenge facing the world?

                                              The possibility of 3D printing   there is less wastage. In most places   up using this mode of construction
                                          of houses has generated a lot of ex-  the raw material is poured in on-site,   – from Mexico to Russia and from
                                          citement. Will this new construction   thus reducing carbon emissions of   Dubai to Europe.
                                          technique solve the affordable hous-  transport. Companies are contin-  For all the interest it is gener-
                                          ing challenge facing the world? As   uously working on making the raw   ating, the technology currently does
                                          per UN estimates, by 2030, almost 60   materials and process more environ-  have some challenges. As of now, the
                                          percent of 8.3 billion people will live   ment friendly.            buildings so constructed are basic
                                          in cities, and the world will need 300   Printed houses can use appro-  and functional, and most of them are
                                          million new  homes. Many feel that   priate materials to adapt to local   single  floor.  For  stacking  one  floor
                                          traditional housing will not be suf-  conditions, consequently energy can   on top of another, companies are us-
                                          ficient  to  meet  future  global  needs.   be saved on power consumption for   ing  traditional scaffolding. Further,
                                          It is expensive, labor-intensive, and   ACs and heaters. They can be used   building laws and codes will need to
                                          takes  months  to  complete.  There-  efficiently in the wake of natural ca-  be  modified  to  accommodate  and
               SADHNA SHANKER             fore, construction through 3D print-  lamities also, apart from fulfilling the   regulate such structures.
                                          ing is looked at with great interest.  need for affordable housing. And the   Like any other technology, print-
                                              Printed homes, are constructed   technology has the potential to help   ed houses may become the norm in
           n the 1980s when my father was   in a speedier manner, and it is esti-  in construction of structures and   the future or remain merely as inter-
           constructing his single-storey
        Ihouse, it took more than three   mated that they would cost 30% less   housing on the Moon and Mars!   esting landscapes in some areas. This
                                          than traditional constructions. This
                                                                                As per reports. the global mar-
                                                                                                              mode of building has not yet taken
        years for completion. Traditional   technology allows for better usage   ket for construction 3D printing is   the construction  industry by storm.
        construction has speeded up, and   of materials, greater intricacies of   expected to grow from $0.01 billion   However, it does hold hope and
        presently maybe in 6 to 8 months the   design, and also reduces labor and   in 2021 to $0.02 billion in 2022, and   promise for the future.
        same house can be built. To cut short   transportation costs, making it green-  reach $0.87 billion in 2026 at a CAGR
        the time further, the new technique   er than traditional construction.   of 169.3%. Asia Pacific is reportedly   Sadhna Shanker is a writer based in
        of construction through 3D printing   As the exact quantity of concrete   the fastest growing market. Across   New Delhi, India
        is now in the arena.              and other materials used are known,   the world many buildings have come
            Recently in Chennai, a 600 sq. ft,
        one-storey, one bedroom house, was
        constructed through 3D printing in a
        mere five days!
            ‘Additive manufacturing’ as it
        is called has been around since the
        early 1980s, but has now entered the
        mainstream. Its use in making things
        ranging from orthopedic implants to
        components for aircraft is already
        well established.
            3D printing has one underlying
        principle; the details vary according
        to the products and processes in-
        volved. It uses computer-aided-de-
        sign (CAD) software or 3D object
        scanners to direct hardware to de-
        posit material, layer upon layer, in
        precise geometric shapes. It adds
        material to create an object. On the
        other hand, conventionally machin-
        ing or other techniques are needed
        to remove surplus material to create
        a shape. By varying the shape, and
        sometimes the composition of each
        layer, objects that would be difficult
        or impossible to produce with con-                                    India's first 3-D printed house in Chennai
        ventional techniques can be created.

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