Page 18 - The Indian EYE 040122
P. 18
North The Indian Eye
18 APRIL 01, 2022
IndIa assoCIatIon oF LonG IsLand
CeLeBrates HoLI 2022
Hicksville, NY
he India Association of Long Island (IALI)
celebrated the festival of Holi at Asa’Mai
TTemple on Sunday, 13th March 2022 from 12
noon to 4 pm. The program started with invocation
by Narinder Kapoor.
The Secretary Pradeep Tandon welcomed all
guests and in his welcome speech mentioned the
significance of Holi. “Let us forget and forgive,
repair broken relationships, and celebrate Holi
with great fervor and joy”. A 30 seconds silence
was observed in memories of innocent victims of
Ukraine, a great legend ‘Queen of Melody’ - Lata
Mangeshkar, and Mrs. Uma Sengupta who passed
away on 10th March 2022.
President Bina Sabapathy addressed the audi-
ence saying that she is very happy and emotional
for the overwhelmed turnout. In her speech she
explained about what India Association of Long
Island stands for and the importance of celebrat-
ing and promoting Indian culture as its mission.
President echoed the sentiments expressed by the
Secretary. The day we forgive, forget the enmity,
and embrace all the world will be the most beauti-
ful place to live on. There will be no war between Council Members Dr. Neeru Bhambri, Mr. Gary
Russia and Ukraine if they follow the same. Sikka, Membership Chair Mr. Vimal Goyal, and So-
Despite a very cold day, the function was well cio-Cultural Chair Mrs. Veena Lamba were present.
attended by more than 210 members, including Past President Dr. Sharwan Bagla, execu-
Hon. Senator Kevin Thomas, chief guest Hon. tive member of AAPIQLI presented a cheque of
A.K. Vijaya Krishnan, Consul Community Affair, $1000.00 donation to IALI. He spoke about the
Indian Consulate, Dr, Bobby Kalotee, Human collaboration between IALI and AAPIQLI, men-
Rights Commissioner & Friends for Good Health, tioned that during COVID, IALI collected funds
Mr. Zahid Syed, Executive Director for Asian and that were given to AAPIQLI, and this was a
American Affairs, community leaders, Mr. Deepak return gift from AAPIQLI to IALI. He stated that
Bansal, President IDP, Dr. Ravindra Goyal, Chair- eleven Past Presidents of IALI are members of
man Indo American Festivals & President Hindu AAPQLI.
Center Flushing NY, Mr. Vibhuti Jha prominent President Bina Sabapathy introduced the Cul-
journalist from Jaipur Dialogue USA, Past Presi- tural Secretary Mrs. Veena Lamba, who presented a
dents of IALI, Dr. Sharwan Bagla, Mrs. Geetanjali beautiful entertainment program with Holi theme.
Anand, Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan, Dr. Anila Midha, There were performances by students of Mr.
Mr. Satnam Singh Parhar and Mr. Lalit Aery. Manek Malhotra from Sa Re Ga Ma Desi Beats
Also present were Dr. Prabhakar Kale one of the and Shilpa Jhurani, from Arya academy and solo
five founding members of IALI with his wife Mrs. performances by Angel Shah, Holi songs were sung
Jayashree Kale. NY Telangana Telugu Association by Mr. Manek Malhotra, Mr. Kulbhushan Sharma,
President Mr. Ravinder Kamtam and his Execu- Mr. Gautam Chopra & Mr. Anil Dua. Long Island
tive Committee members, Professor Inder Jeet Sa- Consulate at New York, who spoke about the Holi Hasya Kavi Dr. Krishna Jhaveri rocked the crowd
luja, Chairman of The Indian Panorama, Mr. Veer festival, the importance of India Diaspora in US, with his timely jokes.
Mukhi Secretary Arya Samaj of Long Island and and on Indian Visa & Passport issues that are faced The members were served with appetizers,
his wife Mrs. Savita Mukhi. by the community during the pandemic condition. Hot tea and Thandai (Holi special drink) in the be-
The Vice President Hargovind Gupta intro- Amongst the Executive Council, President ginning and later they had a sumptuous hot meal
duced the chief guest Hon’ble Consul A. K. Vi- Bina Sabapathy, Vice President Mr. Hargovind cooked on the premises. Jalebi and Kheer served
jayakrishnan, Consul Community Affairs Indian Gupta, Secretary Pradeep Tandon, Executive as dessert.