Page 22 - The Indian EYE 040122
P. 22

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 22

        OuR BuREAu                                 Bollywood Ladies Night
        Edgewater, NJ
               oli, the Indian festival of col-
        night-out for only Ladies on March 19  celebrated as Musical Holi
               ors was celebrated with a twist
        H- a Bollywood Musical Holi

        at Hudson Dance Studio, Edgewater,
        New  Jersey.  Organized  by  Eventor
        Management, the Bollywood Ladies
        Night  (Musical  Holi)  event also  cel-
        ebrated accomplishments of women
        across the world as it was exclusively for
        ladies and on Women History Month.
            Driven by the slogan “We Create,
        You  Celebrate”,  Eventor  has  orga-
        nized nearly a dozen events in Bergen
        County,  New  Jersey,  in  the  last  five
        years which introduced Indian cultural
        festivals to a very diverse audience of
        people from close to 150 nationalities
        living in the area.
            “I wanted people from all nation-
        alities to fall in love with India’s vibrant
        and inclusive culture when I start-
        ed  Eventor  Management  in  2017,”
        said Eventor’s founder/CEO Supriya
        Shankar. “In a divisive and complicat-
        ed world, this event celebrates every-
        thing good about humanity and also
        contributes to a worthy cause so it was
        a fun night out for all us ladies but with
        a meaningful purpose.”
            Eventor is contributing 5% of all
        ticket sales to the Rotary Club of The
        Palisades which in turn is forwarding
        all donations to the Ukraine Relief
        Fund. A number of sponsors backed
        the event including New York Life
        New Jersey, Nirvana Indian Kitchen
        from Allendale and Radio Zindagi.
            A more traditional Holi celebra-
        tion - with colors - is being planned this
        June at the Leonia Woodpark which
        will feature musical performances and
        vendors from all over the state.

        edison to Host earth day event on april 24th at Lake Papaianni

                            Event includes park clean-up, celebrations, and free tree sapling

                                                                            inhabitants are facing due to climate   “This is a great day for neighbors
        OuR BuREAu                                                          change,” said Mayor Joshi. “April 24th   to meet each other and learn how
                                                                            is Earth Day, but Edison’s commit-  minor changes in their daily lives can
        EDISON, NJ
                                                                            ment  to  sustainability  and  advancing   improve their local community,” said
               n  the  52nd  Anniversary  of                                the cause of environmental justice is   Joyce Fircha, Director of Edison Rec-
               Earth Day, Edison residents                                  year-round!”                      reation Department.
        Oare invited to celebrate at                                            The day kicks off at 9 A.M. with   Some of the top tips from the
        Lake Papaianni with Mayor Sam                                       a park clean-up and then transitions   U.S. Environmental Protection Agen-
        Joshi and the Health and Recreation                                 into a celebration of Earth Day with   cy on improving sustainability include
        Departments for a day of fun, envi-                                 activities, music and fun. In the event   recycling, reducing water use and
        ronmental awareness, as well as a   for us to think about how our actions   of rain or other inclement weather, an   food waste, using green products and
        free tree sapling.                and decisions impact the world, and   alternate date has been scheduled for   services, and making cleaner energy
            “Earth Day is an opportunity   the challenges the ecosystem and its   May 1st.                    choices.

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