Page 16 - The Indian EYE 040122
P. 16
Op-ED APRIL 01, 2022 | The Indian Eye 16
War, the West, sanctions and India’s priority
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
n his post-election victory ad-
dress at BJP headquarters last
Iweek, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi pointed to what he viewed as
an important message of the large-
ly favorable electoral verdict. At a
time when the world is in the grip
of conflict, instability and mount-
ing inflationary pressures, said the
PM, the electorate, especially in the
heartland of UP, has voted in favor of
political stability at home. Domestic
political stability in the face of exter-
nal threats and challenges has been
an important concern and theme of
successive PMs.
Modi referred to the rising price
of oil, gas, coal, fertilizers and vege-
table oils on account of the current
global security and economic envi-
ronment. He claimed the Union Bud-
get had strengthened the foundations
of his economic strategy of building
an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’, an agenda
that has gained traction given the
new constraints imposed on econom-
ic growth by the global situation and
Western economic sanctions. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida shake hands while exchanging agreements during the 14th India-Ja-
PM did well to flag India’s own de- pan Annual Summit, in New Delhi on Saturday. (ANI Photo/ Mohd Zakir)
velopmental concerns at a time when
the so-called Big Powers have been complying with ICJ rulings lies with long insisted that countries respect anese Prime Minister was emphatic
focused on their own material inter- the UN Security Council, which has the sovereignty and territorial integ- in asserting that Russia’s actions in
ests in the name of democratic values. Russia as a permanent member. But rity of others. It also has a neighbor Ukraine must not be ‘condoned.’
-- Sanjaya Baru, The Times of India just because authoritarian populist in China that is attempting to redraw This assertion is unexception-
leaders like Vladimir Putin don’t borders — on land and in the ocean able. However, PM Modi was more
ICJ and russia care for international law does not — across Asia. circumspect and did not use the
diminish its significance. Interna- Still, while speeding up the di- word ‘invasion’, but noted that “geo-
he International Court of
Justice (ICJ) — the principal tional law, even if not sufficient, is versification of its defense supplies, political developments are present-
Tjudicial organ of the United necessary to maintain global order. India must resist the pressure to au- ing a new set of challenges”. He said,
The ICJ decision is an impactful
tomatically embrace the West as an “In this context, the deepening of
Nations (UN) — has ordered Russia step in that direction. The weight of alternative to its long-standing se- India-Japan partnership is not only
to immediately suspend its military global opinion against Russia on its curity partnership with Russia. The important for the two countries, but
operations in Ukraine. In short, to egregious abuse of international law biggest takeaway of the war and the also for the Indo-Pacific region, and
end the war instantly. This decision is mounting with each passing day. world’s response to it so far is that [it] will encourage peace, prosperity
of far-reaching significance was Russia can keep ignoring this only at trade and globalization — whether and stability for the world.”
rendered by the ICJ in response to grave peril to itself. it’s Russia’s weapons or the West’s While neither Russia nor China
Ukraine’s application for indication dominance of financial institutions — was referred to explicitly, it is instruc-
of provisional measures under Arti- -- Prabhash Ranjan, The Indian can be weaponized against countries tive to note that the joint statement
cle 41 of the ICJ Statute. Provisional
measures under the ICJ Statute are Express that don’t control the levers of geo- “highlighted their commitment to
working in tandem towards a peace-
political power.
the international equivalent of an in- India’s Vote at un --Charu Sudan Kasturi, ful, stable and prosperous world,
terim injunction that can be provided The Telegraph (India) based on a rules-based order that re-
by the court to preserve the rights of hat contradiction between In-
the parties pending a final decision dia’s abstention and its state- the Japanese angle spects the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of nations.
on the merits of the case. Tment laid bare how New Del- -- Commodore C Uday Bhaskar (retd),
ICJ’s decision is binding on Rus- hi’s talk of strategic autonomy can, at he fact that India and Japan
sia and constitutes part of its inter- times, be just that: talk. Its continued share security and strategic The Quint
national legal obligations. If Russia dependence on Moscow for its de- Tconcerns but have very di- Every week, we look at what the top
continues its military actions, it will fense needs — more than 80 per cent vergent approaches in dealing with commentators in the Indian media are
be a brazen violation of international of India’s military equipment is from them was manifest in relation to talking about and bring to you a slice
law. Cynics argue that none of these Russia — has limited India’s ability the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In of their opinions and comments
matters because the remedy for not to speak its mind. After all, India has their meeting on Saturday, the Jap-