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BUSINESS EYE                                                           MARCH 17, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 34

                                                              TECH T@LK

          Google releases Android 14                                        API for ChatGPT announced by OpenAI

                  Developer Preview 2                                              following Microsoft integration

                                                                                     hen Microsoft embedded   English translation of what was said.
              merican tech giant Google last   to the UI styling of the account se-  OpenAI’s  ChatGPT  prod-  This has the potential to significantly
              month  released  the  first  De-  lector, along with changes to the API  Wuct in Bing and Edge as   upset Siri and Google Assistant, both
        Aveloper Preview of Android       based on feedback to DP1, reported   well as Skype and in the OS’ taskbar   of which can only handle a few lan-
        14, and now the company is back with   GSM Arena.                   too, it was only the beginning as Ope-  guages.
        the second Developer Preview.         Apps targeting Android 14,    nAI has  announced  that  ChatGPT     Companies can use OpenAI’s
            According to GSM Arena, a     which will be a very small subset ini-  and Whisper are now available to de-  APIs  to  create  new  chatbots;  some
        tech  news-related  website,  the new   tially, will need to grant privileges to   velopers through its APIs.  have already done so; Microsoft is
        release comes with additional en-  start activities in the background.  According to GSM Arena, a     not alone.
        hancements to privacy, security, and   DP2 comes with optimizations to   tech news-related website, after   These are a few examples like
        performance, and continues to refine   Android’s memory management sys-  some extensive optimizations, using   Snapchat, which introduced My AI
        the experience on tablets and fold-  tem, improving resource usage while   ChatGPT costs 90 per cent less than   for Snapchat+ this week and Insta-
        ables. Google’s official timeline sug-  apps are running in the background.   it did in December. This means that   cart’s ChatGPT-based bot that can
        gests that following this Developer   There will also be fewer non-dismis-  the gtp-3.5-turbo model now costs   help customers by automatically cre-
        Preview, the first Beta release will ar-  sible notifications in Android 14, and   USD 0.002 per 1,000 tokens. Put an-  ating the shopping list they need.
        rive in April, followed by three more   there are improved APIs for app   other way, you can get 500K tokens   Similarly, ChatGPT is being
        in subsequent months.             stores too.                       for a dollar. This new price makes it   adopted in learning apps as Quizlet
            Android 14 Development Pre-       As per GSM Arena, the second   much cheaper for companies to build   recently introduced Q-Chat, a “fully
        view 2 includes support for enabling   Developer Preview is still, as the   their own chatbot. And for those,   adaptive AI tutor”.
        apps  to  access  only  specific  photo-  name implies, only recommended for   who want its bot to answer voice   Dedicated instances are avail-
        graphs and videos, or access to all of   app developers to use for app testing.   commands and not just text, there’s   able too for companies that want a
        them, or no access at all.        Once the first beta hits next month,   Whisper, a model that can transcribe   more reliable experience, otherwise,
            In Android 14, Credential Man-  consumers will get easier access too.   speech into text at a cost of USD   the model runs on a shared instance
        ager is a platform API, and this allows   Android 14 Developer Preview 2 is   0.006 a minute.         whose performance will vary de-
        apps to sign in using passkeys. In the   installable on the Pixel 4a 5G and lat-  Whisper not only understands   pending on server load, as per GSM
        second DP, there are improvements   er Google devices.              99 languages but can also provide an   Arena.

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