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IMMIGRATION                                                            MARCH 17, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 30

          Khedkar v. USCIS Affirms that Employee also has

              Interest in an I-140 Petition filed by Employer

        CYRUS D. MEHTA AND         2021), reiterated the idea that a   agencies did not recognize Khed-  I-140  was  approvable  when  filed   connection with another USCIS
        KAITLYN BOX*               beneficiary also has an interest in   kar as an affected party. Khedkar   pursuant to 8 CFR § 245.25(a)(2)  petition.  USCIS sent a notice of
                                   the I-140 petition. Mr. Khedkar’s   sought review under the Adminis-  (ii)(B), and indicate that it has no   intent to revoke (“NOIR”).  When
             ecause  an    employ-  employer,  Deloitte,  had  filed  an   trative Procedures Act in federal   intention to permanently employ   the petitioner failed to respond to
             ment-based immigrant visa   I-140 petition on his behalf clas-  district court. The court agreed   the beneficiary, so that a benefi-  the NOIR, USCIS revoked the
        Bpetition, or Form I-140, is   sifying him as a multinational   with Khedkar that USCIS should   ciary may exercise job portability   petitioner’s approval due to the
        filed by an employer on behalf of   manager under INA § 203(b)(C),   have issued the RFE to Khedkar   based on her pending I-485. Our   petitioner’s failure to respond.
        a foreign national employee who   while Khedkar concurrently filed   rather than Deloitte after he pro-  firm  had  success  in  such  a  situ-  Although Matter of V-S-G-, Inc.
        is being sponsored for permanent   an adjustment of status applica-  vided  notification  to  the  USCIS   ation  wherein  a  beneficiary  of  a   dealt with the issue of an NOIR
        residency, there is sometimes a   tion. Khedkar then joined another   about his porting through I-485   previously  filed  I-140  and  I-485   of an approved I-140 petition, one
        perception that both the I-140   employer, Alpha Net Consulting   Supplement J. “The result is not   was able to work with a petitioner   could argue that the AAO should
        petition and the underlying labor   LLC, in a similar position and   only at odds with the portability   to respond to an RFE even though   extend the holding in Matter of
        certification  belong  to  the  em-  filed  an  I-485  Supplement  J  to   provision’s  aim  of  encouraging   the beneficiary would not be em-  V-S-G- to a Beneficiary who suc-
        ployer. They are initiated by the   notify USICS that he was port-  job flexibility — it is unfair too,”   ployed  permanently  and  had  ex-  cessfully ports to a new employer
        employer on behalf of the non-  ing to a similar job. The USCIS   Judge Contreras said.  pressed an intention to port to a   while the underlying I-140 re-
        citizen employee or prospective   issued a Request for Evidence   The court’s decision in   new job in the same occupation-  mains unadjudicated.  This is be-
        employee who is referred to as the   but Khedkar’s former employer,   Khedkar v. USCIS is in keeping   al  classification.    After  the  I-140   cause upon the filing of an I-485,
        beneficiary. The I-140 petition is   Deloitte, was not interested in   with a growing understanding that   had been erroneously denied on   Supplement J – required when the
        signed by the employer. Although   responding after he had left the   beneficiaries also have a legal in-  grounds not related to the lack of   beneficiary ports or intends to port
        one part of the labor certification   company.  Khedkar  then joined   terest in I-140 petitions as we also   permanent employment, our firm   to a job in a same or similar occu-
        is  signed  by  the  beneficiary,  the   IBM  and  filed  another  I-485J.   observed in a prior blog. Current   assisted the beneficiary in success-  pational classification – the bene-
        employer still drives the labor cer-  Khedkar did not realize that the   regulations generally preclude   fully reopening the I-140 with the   ficiary becomes an “affected par-
        tification process and files the ap-  USCIS had sent an RFE to De-  beneficiaries  from  participating   cooperation of the petitioner, and   ty,” and should be given a copy of
        plication. It is the employer who   loitte, which was not responded   in  employment-based  immi-  ultimately winning approval of the   any RFE, as well as a copy of any
        also has the unilateral power to   to. The USCIS denied the I-140   grant visa proceedings, including   I-140 and approval of the I-485 for   subsequent denial of her I-140.
        withdraw the labor certification or   petition for failure to respond to   post-adjudication motions and   the beneficiary.  The argument for extending Mat-
        I-140 petition.            the  I-140  petition.  Khedkar  filed   appeals. But this changes when a   The question remains, how-  ter of V-S-G is further supported
            However, a recent U.S.   a motion to reopen with USCIS   beneficiary exercises her right to   ever, what recourse does a benefi-  by the promulgation of 8 CFR §
        District Court case, Khedkar v.   and then an appeal to the Admin-  job portability pursuant to INA   ciary have if the petitioner refuses   245.25(a)(2)(ii)(B), which enables
        USCIS, 552 F. Supp. 3d 1 (DDC   istrative Appeals Office, but both   §204(j) and 8 CFR § 245.25(a)  to respond to an RFE, or other-  the I-140 to be approved even
                                                                  (2)(ii)(B). If a Request for   wise cooperate with the beneficia-  if a job offer no longer exists so
                                                                  Evidence (RFE) is subse-  ry? May a beneficiary, for exam-  long as the I-140 was eligible for
                                                                  quently issued on the un-  ple, file an I-290B notice of appeal   approval at the time of filing. See
                                                                  derlying  I-140,  the  benefi-  or motion to reopen a subsequent   8 CFR § 245.25(a)(2)(ii)(B)(2).
                                                                  ciary may be entitled to this   denial of the I-140?  A review of the preamble to
                                                                  RFE as they may be able    The answer may be found   8 CFR § 245.25 published in the
                                                                  to respond to it even if the   under existing USCIS policy.   Federal Register, while not dispos-
                                                                  employer chooses not to.  Under the Policy Memo promul-  itive, also supports this position.
                                                                      INA §204(j) allows for-  gated on November 11, 2017, a   The preamble notes that several
                                                                  eign workers who are being   Beneficiary becomes an “affected   commentators had expressed con-
                                                                  petitioned for permanent   party” upon USCIS’ favorable de-  cern that individual beneficiaries of
                                                                  residence by their employ-  termination that the beneficiary is   Form I-140s are not provided no-
                                                                  er to change jobs once their   eligible to port. See USCIS, Guid-  tice when USCIS seeks to revoke
                                                                  I-485 adjustment of status   ance on Notice to, and Standing   the approval of those petitions. In
                                                                  application has been pend-  for,  AC21  Beneficiaries  about   response, DHS noted that it was
                                                                  ing for 180 days or more. Fur-  I-140 Approvals Being Revoked   considering administrative action
                                                                  thermore, 8 CFR § 245.25(a)  After Matter of V-S-G- Inc., PM-  to address these concerns. See
                                                                  (2)(ii)(B) allows a beneficia-  602-0152, Nov. 11, 2017 at page 5.     Federal Register /Vol. 81, No. 223
                                                                  ry to port to a new employer   Thus, under the policy adopted by   /Friday, November 18, 2016 /Rules
                                                                  based on an unadjudicated   USCIS in Matter of V-S-G- Inc.,   and Regulations at page 82418
                                                                  I-140, filed concurrently with   Adopted Decision 2017-06 (AAO   (hereinafter  the  “preamble”).
                                                                  an I-485 application, so long   Nov. 11, 2017),  beneficiaries, who   Similar concerns were also raised
                                                                  as it is approvable at the time   are affected parties as defined in   in  the  preamble in the  section
                                                                  of filing.              the Matter of V-S-G- Inc. deci-  entitled “Portability Under INA
                                                                      Even if a petitioner de-  sion, are entitled to a copy of any   204(j)” wherein the DHS states:
                                                                  cides not to employ a bene-  decision made by USCIS and may   As a practical matter, peti-
                     m of                                         ficiary  after  the  filing  of  an   file an appeal or motion on Form   tioners have diminished incentives
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          I-140 and I-485, this  does   I-290B with respect to a revoked   to address inquiries regarding
                                                                  not preclude a petitioner
                                                                                                                     qualifying Form I-140 petitions
                                                                                          Form I-140, even though existing
                                                                  from responding to an RFE   form instructions generally pre-  once beneficiaries have a new job

             issued on the underlying   clude beneficiary filings.  offer that may qualify for INA
                                                                  I-140  for  a  beneficiary  who   In Matter of V-S-G- Inc.,   104(j)  portability  […]  Accord-
                            has already ported or who   which we have discussed at length   ingly, denying a qualifying Form
                                                   
             ­       may port in the near future.   in a prior blog, the beneficiary had   I-140 petition for either ability
              ‚                                                     This is  because  this  inten-  changed employers and taken a   to pay issues that occur after the
                                                                  tion – which is to no longer   new position after the adjustment   time of filing, or for other petition
                                                                  employ the beneficiary – was   of status application  had been     eligibility issues that transpire af-
                                                                                          pending for more than 180 days.
                                                                                                                     ter the associated application for
                                                                  formed after the filing of the
                                                                  I-140  and  I-485.  Therefore,   Meanwhile, the president of their   adjustment of status has been
          2              6th Floor                                a petitioning employer may   original petitioning organization   pending  for  180  days  or  more,
                still seek to establish that the   was convicted of mail fraud in   would be contrary to the primary
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