Page 32 - The Indian EYE 031723
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BUSINESS EYE                                                           MARCH 17, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 32

                        With GQG Partners buying

          shares worth $1.87 billion, Adani

                                     stock begins to rise

           GQG, which is based in Florida, manages USD 88 billion in assets, in global, US and

           emerging markets equities funds. It has bought shares in four Adani group companies,

                              including the conglomerate’s flagship firm Adani Enterprises

        OUR BUREAU

            n a huge development for the
           Indian  markets,  United States
        Iboutique  investment  firm  GQG
        Partners bought shares worth $1.87
        billion in four Adani group compa-
        nies this week. The decision of GQG
        marks  the  first  major  investment  in
        the  Adani  group since  a  short-sell-
        ers critical report resulted in a stock
        rout. GQG took a 3.4 per cent stake
        in Adani Enterprises for around 662
        million, 4.1 per cent in Adani Ports
        for USD 640 million, 2.5 per cent in
        Adani Transmission for USD 230 mil-
        lion, and a 3.5 per cent stake in Adani
        Green Energy for USD 340 million,
        Reuters reported citing the filing.
            Adani group has told creditors
        that it has secured a USD 3 billion
        loan from a sovereign wealth fund.   Adani Group has said that the group prepaid share-backed financing of Rs 7,374 crore (USD 902 million) ahead of its latest maturity in April
        US-based GQG has bought shares         2025, in continuation of its promoters’ commitment to cut the overall leverage backed by Adani-listed company shares (File photo)
        worth billions in four Adani group
        companies, including the conglomer-
        ate’s flagship firm Adani Enterprises,  said the group prepaid share-backed   holding. Along with the repayments   two wind power plants. Also, the new
        Reuters reported citing a regulato-  financing of Rs 7,374 crore (USD 902   done earlier in the month of Febru-  project will generate 1,500-2,000 new
        ry filing. Adani family trust sold the   million) ahead of its latest maturity in   ary, the conglomerate said Adani has   employment opportunities.
        shares using Jefferies as a broker.  April 2025, in continuation of its pro-  prepaid USD 2,016 million of share-  Last month, seven listed Adani
            GQG, which is based in Florida,  moters’ commitment to cut the over-  backed financing, which is consistent   companies have lost around USD
        manages USD 88 billion in assets, in   all leverage backed by Adani-listed   with promoters’ commitment to pre-  135 billion in market value since
        global, US and emerging markets eq-  company shares.                pay all share-backed financing before   January  24,  when  Hindenburg  Re-
        uities funds. In early Australian trade,   With the repayment of the said   March 31, 2023, according to a state-  search accused it of improper use of
        GQG Partners shares witnessed a   Rs 7,374 crore to various internation-  ment from Adani Group.      offshore tax havens and stock manip-
        drop by 2.3 per cent while the S&P/  al banks and Indian financial institu-  The group had just carried out   ulation. The group, led by Gautam
        ASX200 witnessed a rise of 0.4 per   tions,  the  promoters  of  the  flagship   global investors’ roadshow to regain   Adani, refuted the allegations. Adani
        cent on Friday.                   company,  Adani Ports, will release   promoters’  confidence  in  the  con-  group later called off a USD 2.5 bil-
            On Friday, Indian equity mar-  155 million shares, representing 11.8   glomerate.                 lion share sale.
        kets made gains, tracking global cues.  per cent of the promoters’ holding;   On February 24, Sri Lanka’s   But now the tide seems to be
        Adani Group firms such as Adani En-  Adani Enterprises’ promoters will   Board  of Investment  approved  the   turning in the group’s favor.
        terprises, Adani Green, Adani Trans-  release 31 million shares, represent-  two wind power plants of Adani   Australian  High  Commissioner
        mission, Adani Wilmar, Adani Ports   ing 4 per cent of promoters’ holding;   Green Energy to be built in Mannar   Barry O’Farrell has said that Adani
        and Adani Power made gains during   Adani Transmission’s promoters will   and Pooneryn at a total investment   group is still a significant investor in
        Friday’s  session.  After  opening  at   release 36 million shares, repre-  of USD 442 million. According to   Australia. “Adani’s investment is fully
        17,451.25, the Nifty extended gains   senting  4.5  per  cent  of  promoters’   the statement released by the Board   functioning in Australia. No reports
        during the day and settled near the   holding while Adani Green Energy   of Investment of Sri Lanka on Friday,  I see from Australia of any effect on
        17,600 level.                     will release 11 million shares which   it has issued a letter of approval to   business, he is still a significant inves-
            Earlier, Adani Group on Tuesday   comprised 1.2 per cent of promoters’   Adani Green Energy Limited, for the   tor,” O’Farrell said.

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