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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 15, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 25


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                                                                                                                              Eric L. Adams
                                                                                      Call or text 988 or chat    Health      Ashwin Vasan, MD, PhD
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                                                                                                                              Eric L. Adams
                                                                                      * Text and chat are only available      Mayor
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                   Biden doing everything to improve the visas

               process and green card backlog: White House

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            so, we will continue our work to
                                                                                                              improve the system within our au-
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              thorities and that has certainly been
               S President Joe Biden is doing                                                                 a priority,” she said and added that
               everything he can to improve                                                                   the administration takes that “very
        Uthe H1B visa process, ‘green                                                                         seriously” and  is  continuing  to  do
        card’ backlog and other issues related                                                                everything that it can to improve the
        to the country’s legal immigration sys-                                                               visa process.
        tem, the White House has said.                                                                            The H1B visa is a non-immi-
            “One of the steps, if we look at                                                                  grant visa that allows US companies
        the H1B visa process, we have tak-                                                                    to employ foreign workers in spe-
        en  action  to  improve  that  and  the                                                               cialty occupations that require theo-
        process and backlog for lawful per-                                                                   retical or technical expertise.
        manent residents (green card) who                                                                         The US Citizenship and Immi-
        are eligible to become US citizens,”                                                                  gration Services (USCIS) has an-
        White House Press Secretary Karine                                                                    nounced the launch of myUSCIS
        Jean-Pierre told reporters at her dai-                                                                organisational accounts that will
        ly news conference on Wednesday.                                                                      allow multiple people within an or-
            She was responding to questions                                                                   ganisation, as well as their legal rep-
        about the feeling among a section of                                                                  resentatives, to collaborate on and
        Indian Americans that the President  “Just last month, for example, as a  DHS  published  a  final  rule  relating   prepare H1B registrations, H-1B
        is not putting as much effort on ad-  part of our efforts to strengthen the  to H1B visa,” Jean-Pierre said.  petitions and any associated Form
        dressing the woes of legal immigrants  integrity of our immigration system   “So, the changes promote fairer   I-907, Request for Premium Pro-
        as he is doing for illegal immigrants.  and reduce potential for fraud, the  and  more  equitable  outcomes  and,   cessing Service.

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