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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 15, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

                   Overseas Friends of BJP in US begin

         Loksabha election campaign ahead of polls

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                               More than 3,000 volunteers have
                                                                                                              signed up for various election-relat-
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              ed activities being coordinated by
                 ith BJP announcing its first                                                                 OFBJP.
                 list of 195 candidates for                                                                       This  includes  social media,
        Wthe upcoming Lok Sabha                                                                               phone calls, voter analysis, direct
        polls, the Overseas Friends of BJP in                                                                 campaigning and travel to India.
        the US has kicked off its 2024 election                                                                   There are plans to make around
        campaign pledging to volunteer and                                                                    25 lakh calls from the US to India
        contribute towards the goal of win-                                                                   urging Indians to vote for the BJP
        ning 400 seats in the elections.                                                                      and re-elect PM Modi for the third
            The  first  list  was  released  by                                                               consecutive term.
        Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on                                                                           Among the series of events
        Saturday  comprising  of  195  candi-                                                                 planned across the nation, in addi-
        dates out of which 51 are from Uttar                                                                  tion  to  call  centres,  include  “Modi
        Pradesh,  including  Prime  Minister                                                                  Ki Guarantee”, “Mohalla Chai Pe
        Narendra Modi from Varanasi.                                                                          Charcha”, Car Rally and Holi Milan.
            “The Indian Diaspora is going  India between April and May 2024 to  Kerala, Tamil  Nadu, Jammu  and  “We are ready. Everybody’s pumped
        to support the BJP in India,” Ada-  elect 543 members of the Lok Sabha.  Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh and Telan-  up. Everybody’s looking forward to it.
        pa  Prasad,  president  of  Overseas   Indian-Americans made presen-  gana.                           This time we will cross 400 seats for
        Friends of BJP (OFBJP) USA said at  tations on their analysis of the affairs   “We reviewed the progress in  the Prime Minister. He has done so
        the kick-off event, attended by about  in various Indian states, including  each of the states and had a detailed  much for the country and he is loved
        100 core members,  in a Maryland  Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Guja-  presentation on the achievements of  everywhere,” said Kanwaljeet Singh
        suburb of Washington DC. General  rat, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Madhya  the prime minister Narendra Modi,”  Soni, convenor of the Sikh affairs
        elections are expected to be held in  Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka,  he said.                      wing of the OFBJP.

        Rajasthan Royals Academy of New Jersey holds its inauguration

        OUR BUREAU

        New Jersey, NJ
             everal master class sessions
             were held at the inauguration
        Sof the Rajasthan Royal Acade-
        my of New Jersey. Coach Sid Lahiri,
        Global Head of Academy, Rajasthan
        Royals; Coach – Rajasthan Royals;
        Batting Coach – Paarl Royals; Assis-
        tant Coach – Barbados Royals brings
        vast current experience in profession-
        al coaching and operating academies
        to this newly inaugurated academy.
            “Known as the “Team of Firsts”,
        Rajasthan Royals has carved a niche as
        the one that discovers young talent. A
        shining example of this being the Ra-
        jasthan Royals winning the inaugural
        IPL in 2008,” one of the organizers said.
            The master classes provided the
        players an opportunity to learn from
        Coach Sid the “Royal Way” of play-  the collaboration is looking forward  Indies this summer. The USA leg of  West Indies was a strategic move by
        ing the game. The academy coach-  to “Transforming Cricket through  the 2024 T20 World Cup will take  the ICC. It serves two key goals: cap-
        es were also put through a day long  Innovation” and discover, develop,  place  in the vibrant cities of New  italizing on the North American mar-
        coaches training into the “Royals  nurture and promote young cricket-  York, Texas (specifically Grand Prai-  ket’s  potential  for  cricket’s  growth
        Way” of coaching and playing the  ing talent in the USA.            rie), and sunny Florida. The decision  and advancing the ICC’s ambition to
        game. RRANJ is excited at the possi-  The United States is co-hosting  to select the USA as a co-host for this  include cricket in the 2028 Los Ange-
        bilities that can now be explored and  the 2024 T20 World Cup with West  prestigious tournament alongside the  les Olympic Games.

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