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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 15, 2024 | The Indian Eye 22
Mayor Adams Announces Progress to Improve
Care and Services for People in Custody,
Advances Plans for Future uses of Rikers Island
Adams Administration Announces $14 Million for Enhanced Programming
Initiatives to Support People in Custody as They Return to Their Communities
OUR BUREAU units at NYC Health + Hospitals/
Woodhull and North Central Bronx
will be completed in summer 2027,
ew York City Mayor Eric Ad- assuming timely completion of de-
ams has announced progress sign and barring significant unfore-
Non several jails-focused ini- seen field conditions. Construction of
tiatives to provide greater care and all units is fully funded, with a total
enhanced programming for people capital investment of $718 million,
in custody and released two feasibil- and will comprise approximately 360
ity studies on potential sustainability beds, depending on final designs. All
uses of Rikers Island. The city will in- three hospitals will benefit from an
vest $14 million to enhance program- infusion of funds to renovate and re-
ing initiatives for people in custody. purpose hospital space to create the
Mayor Adams also directed NYC outposted therapeutic housing units.
Health + Hospitals to move forward NYC Health + Hospitals/Woodhull
with construction of more than 350 recently relocated and renovated its
outposted therapeutic housing beds inpatient pediatrics unit, and upgrad-
that will increase access to special- ed other clinical and administrative
ty health care services for people in that supports New York’s significant and custody,” said New York City De- spaces, to prepare for the construc-
custody while moving those who are energy and sustainability needs,” said partment of Correction (DOC) Com- tion of the outposted unit.
most clinically vulnerable off of Rik- Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera missioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie. “‘Renewable Rikers’ was born
ers. Additionally, the administration Joshi. “This is an opportunity not only “Investments in programming can out of the idea that the future of
announced the completion of the to reimagine a better criminal justice lead to reductions in violence, lower Rikers Island can contribute to a sus-
Feasibility Study for a New Waste- landscape in this city, but a better en- rates of recidivism, and pathways to tainable and resilient New York City
water Resource Recovery Facility vironmental justice landscape too.” higher education and employment.” and provide benefits to New Yorkers
on Rikers Island and the Renewable “The investments announced The Adams administration is who have been most impacted by our
Rikers Feasibility Study Report, re- today show the administration’s com- also moving forward with construc- criminal justice system,” said MOCEJ
quired under local law, that assess the mitment to support the whole-person tion of outposted therapeutic hous- Executive Director Elijah Hutchin-
potential building of renewable ener- through difficult life transitions and ing units at NYC Health + Hospitals/ son. “Our research found Rikers Is-
gy infrastructure on Rikers Island. thereby strengthening our communi- Woodhull and North Central Bronx land has the potential to be a home
“Ensuring dignity, safety, and ties overall,” said Deputy Mayor for as part of its commitment to increas- for solar installations, battery storage
care of all justice-involved New Health and Human Services Anne ing access to specialty care services systems, and offshore wind intercon-
Yorkers is a top priority for our ad- Williams-Isom. “As New Yorkers for people in custody while moving nection infrastructure, helping New
ministration and today’s announce- engage with and transition from the the most clinically vulnerable people York City reach its world-leading,
ment will provide greater access to justice system, they will receive sup- off of Rikers. The units will house ambitious climate goals. We look for-
specialized medical care for people port ranging from workforce devel- patients who have serious medical, ward to working with the Rikers Is-
in our custody, as well as delivering opment, transportation, community mental health, and substance-use land Advisory Committee and stake-
much-needed resources to support connections, educational opportuni- needs and would benefit from a more holders, who first put forward the
those who are preparing to return ties, housing assistance, and health structured, clinical environment. vision of a renewable Rikers.”
to their communities,” said Mayor care, among others. Additionally, we DOC will provide security and cus- “The Outposted Therapeutic
Adams. “While our commitment to will open hundreds of beds in outpost- tody management in the units, and Housing Units are an innovative ap-
the success of our jails is unwavering, ed housing units that will serve those NYC Health + Hospitals/Correc- proach to carceral health care, and we
we are also planning for the future with specialized clinical needs. Thank tional Health Services (CHS) will are thrilled to advance this ground-
of Rikers by releasing these studies you to all involved in this multi-agen- continue to be the primary provider breaking model,” said Dr. Patsy Yang,
that asses the feasibility of bringing cy effort to walk with people as they of care, in closer coordination with senior vice president for correctional
renewable energy infrastructure to build productive, fulfilling lives.” hospital specialists. health services, NYC Health + Hos-
the Island.” “Programs providing education, Construction is already un- pitals. “The initiative is also a testa-
“As we implement plans to house health and wellness, and transitional derway at NYC Health + Hospi- ment to the strength and commit-
incarcerated New Yorkers with great- services are essential for improving tals/Bellevue, the first of the three ment of the NYC Health + Hospitals
er dignity and care, we must also envi- the safety of our jails and creating units, with anticipated completion system in caring for all New Yorkers,
sion a future for Rikers Island — one better outcomes for those in our care by spring 2025. Construction of the particularly the most vulnerable.”