Page 25 - The Indian EYE 031221
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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline MARCH 12, 2021 | The Indian Eye 25
murphy campaign cuts ties to shariq ahmad
over harassment claims: report
ov. Phil Murphy’s es, including a zero-tolerance tration despite allegations that
re-election campaign policy for sexual harassment he had raped a campaign vol-
Ghas disassociated itself or discrimination.” unteer in 2017.
from the co-chairman of South Four days ago, Murphy No charges were filed
Asians for Murphy after learn- headlined a virtual Democrat- against Ahmad, who was ac-
ing that he was the target of a ic State Committee fundraiser cused of harassment but not
sexual harassment complaint led by Ahmad. Karabinchak assault. In a statement, Ahmad
in 2019. Former Edison Dem- was notified of the accusations denied that he sexually ha-
ocratic Municipal Chairman leveled against his staffer in rassed anyone. “The facts are
Shariq Ahmad was accused 2019 and the outcome of the incorrect and under dispute.
of harassing a state employee internal probe. While Ahmad I strongly deny any wrongdo-
while he was serving as chief of stopped going to Trenton with ing, and an appeal is still pend-
staff to Assemblyman Robert his boss, he remained on Kara- ing. It’s unfortunate that these
Karabinchak (D-Edison), ac- binchak’s staff until he left last things come out before it is
cording to a report in New Jer- summer to work on Joe Biden’s finalized in what is supposed
sey Globe. presidential campaign. “I’m not to be a secure and apolitical
An investigation led to a volunteer supporter for the going to have any comment,” process,” Ahmad told the NJ
finding against Ahmad, who Murphy for Governor cam- Karabinchak told the New Jer- Globe. “Additionally, I have
was banned from the state- paign,” said campaign manag- sey Globe. never held a role in the Gover-
house during his final year er Mollie Binotto. “The Gov- The complaint was filed un- nor’s campaign.”
working on a legislative staff, ernor has made it clear that der a new sexual harassment Ahmad identified himself
the report said. this campaign will be a safe policy adopted after legislative as co-chair of South Asians for
“In light of information and inclusive environment hearings into the firings of Al Murphy in an email related to
recently made available, Mr. that sets a best-in-class stan- Alvarez, a Murphy campaign the February 25 event he held
Ahmad will have no role as a dard for progressive workplac- staffer who joined the adminis- with the governor.
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