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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                    MARCH 12, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          24

         enough is enough, says tom lankey

          about revelations in racist flyer case

              Edison, NJ, mayor seeks justice after Ajay Patil names Mahesh Baghia and

                                      Satish Poondi as masterminds of the controversy

                                   Mayor Tom lankey                                                           Satish Poondi

        Our Bureau                           Township of Edison, said: “I was  advance  of  an  interview  with  of Education, about the legality
                                             appalled to read a transcript in  U.S.  Postal  Inspector  David  of the mailing, the report said.
        Edison, NJ                           the NJ Globe this weekend that  Comer. “We need to have the                  Poondi’s alleged role in the

                jay Patil, a two-term Dem- detailed the conspiracy by Edi- same story telling,” Patil said on  scandal puts New Jersey Attor-
                ocratic councilman, has  son  elected  officials  and  promi- a tape of the meeting obtained  ney General Gurbir Grewal in a
       Aidentified two prominent  nent members of our community  by the New Jersey Globe.                             potentially precarious position
        Democrats as the masterminds  to sow division and racial discord             According to the report,  since the two are believed to be
        behind a conspiracy to distrib- in our town. Now, audio record- the conversation took place at  personal friends.
        ute a racist flyer during a school  ings reveal that members of our  Chowpatty,  a  popular  Indian               Edison Mayor Thomas Lan-
        board campaign in 2017 aimed  governing body and their allies  restaurant in Edison which had  key said that he was told an in-
        at instilling fear among Asian  knew  full-well  who  was  respon- at least one recording device in  vestigation  has  been  opened,
        American voters in order to in- sible. The New Jersey Attorney  place. Indian Business Associ- but others in the township are
        crease voter turnout, according  General’s  Office  investigation  ation president Dhiren Amin  not sure if that’s the case – and
        to a report in New Jersey Globe. into how a racist flyer was circu- and Chandrakant Patel, the  wonder  if  the  Grewal-Poondi
            Patil  identified  Democratic  lated has been allegedly going on  restaurant  owner,  were  at  the  relationship is the cause, al-
        Municipal Chairman Mahesh  for more than three years but, to  meeting with Patil.                             though there is no evidence of
        Bhagia and Satish Poondi, a  date, no one has been held ac-                  Patel  had  cooperated  with  that, the report said.
        partner at the Wilentz law firm  countable  for  this  horrific  hate  postal investigators and told             “I can assure everyone that
        who  had  chaired  the  state  par- crime. Enough is enough.”            Comer that Poondi had re- my Administration will not rest
        ty’s South Asian American Cau-          “I call on the Middlesex  quested to use his restaurant to  until all the details surround-
        cus co-chairman, as architects of  County Prosecutor to take over  assemble the mailing, said the  ing this unconscionable act are
        a “Make Edison Great Again”  this long-stagnant investiga- report.                                            uncovered. This act will not be
        mailer telling voters that the  tion, so that the perpetrators               Patil denied being part of the  permitted  to  define  our  great
        “Chinese and Indians are taking  can finally be held accountable  plot  and  said  the  mailing  was  community.  Too  many  peo-
        over our town”, says the report.  and so that our community can  put together by Bhagia and Ed- ple  have  worked  too  hard  for
        Bhagia  was  selected  last  week  move past this horrific incident  ison Board of Education Pres- too long to make Edison the
        as the choice of the local Dem- and begin the difficult process  ident Jingwei “Jerry” Shi, who  progressively diverse commu-
        ocratic organization as their can- of healing,” the mayor said in a  was  a  school  board  candidate. nity that it is today.  A hand-
        didate for mayor of Edison, New  statement on March 2.                       Patil told Amin and Pa- ful of deplorable individuals
        Jersey’s 5th largest municipality.      Patil’s confession came in  tel  that  he  questioned  Poon- will not change that and must
            Reacting to the report,  November  2020,  when  he  met  di, whose law firm is the bond  be brought to justice!” Mayor
        Thomas  Lankey,  the Mayor  of  with two community leaders in  counsel for the Edison Board  Lankey said in his statement.

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