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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                    MARCH 12, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          30

                                         Biden’s recOrd:

                       55 indian-americans appointed to

                                     administration in 50 days

        Our Bureau
        Washington, DC

            ndian-Americans are “tak-
            ing over the country”, US
        IPresident Joe Biden said on
        Thursday, referring to the large
        number of “incredible” pro-
        fessionals from the community
        holding key positions in his ad-
        ministration. In less than 50 days
        of his presidency, Biden has ap-
        pointed at least 55 Indian-Amer-
        icans to key leadership positions
        in his administration ranging
        from  his  speech  writer  to  the
        NASA, to almost every wing of
        the government.
           “Indian - of descent - Ameri-
        cans are taking over the country:
        you Dr Swati Mohan); my Vice  tinction of appointing the largest             Indian-American        women  fice of White House Counsel.
        President (Kamala Harris); my  number of Indian-Americans in  appointed  by  Biden  include                      Tanya Das has been appoint-
        speech  writer,  Vinay  (Reddy).  any administration, the previous  Uzra Zeya, Under Secretary of  ed  as  Chief  of  Staff,  Office  of
        I  tell  you  what.  But  thank  you.  Donald Trump administration  State for  Civilian  Security,  De- Science, Department of Ener-
        You guys are incredible,” Pres- was not lagging far behind as it  mocracy, and Human Rights,  gy; Shuchi Talati: Chief of Staff,
        ident Biden said during a virtu- appointed  the  first  ever  Indi- State Department; Mala Adiga:  Office  of  Fossil  Energy,  De-
        al  interaction  with  scientists  at  an-American with a cabinet rank  Policy Director to Dr Jill Biden;  partment of Energy; Mini Tim-
        NASA who were involved in the  and inside the National Security  Aisha  Shah:  Partnership  Man- maraju:  Senior  adviser  to  the
        historic landing of Perseverance  Council.                               ager,  White  House  Office  of  director,  Office  of  Personnel
        rover on Mars on February 18.           The Biden administration  Digital Strategy; Sameera Fazili,  Management ; Sohini Chatter-
            Indian-American       scientist has for the first time appointed  Deputy Director, US National  jee:  Senior  Policy  Advisor  US
        Swati  Mohan  leads  the  guid- such  a  large  number  of  Indi- Economic Council (NEC); Su- Mission to the United Nations,
        ance, navigation, and  control  an-Americans in the first 50 days  mona  Guha:  Senior  Director  Aditi Gorur: Policy Advisor, US
        operations  of  NASA’’s  Mars  of his administration. This past  for South Asia at the National  Mission to the United Nations;
        2020 mission.                        week, Dr. Vivek Murthy testified  Security Council, White House;  and Bhavya Lal is the Acting
            Joe  Biden,  who  was  sworn  before a Senate Committee for  and  Sabrina  Singh:  Deputy  Chief of Staff, NASA.
        in as the 46th president of the  US Surgeon General and Vanita  Press Secretary, Vice President                   Dimple Chaudhary has been
        United States on January 20, has  Gupta is all set to appear for her  White House.                            appointed as Deputy General
        created history by appointing at  confirmation  hearing  for  Asso-          Shanthi Kalathil has been  Counsel  for  Nationwide  Re-
        least 55 Indian-Americans to key  ciate Attorney General Depart- appointed as Coordinator  for  source Protection Programs, En-
        positions in his administration. ment of Justice.                        Democracy and Human Rights,  vironmental Protection Agency;
            This does not include Vice          While  the  community  is  dis- National       Security    Council, Sharmistha Das is the Deputy
        President  Harris,  which  is  an  appointed that Tanden had to          White House; Garima Verma  General  Counsel,  Department
        elected position, and Neera Tan- withdraw  her  nomination  be- has been named as Digital Di- of Homeland Security; Ruchi
        den, who a day earlier withdrew  cause of stiff opposition from  rector of the Office of the First  Jain is the Deputy Solicitor for
        her nomination from the position  the Republicans, Indian-Ameri- Lady; Sonia Aggarwal as Senior  General Law, Department of In-
        of Director of White House Of- can women have reached a new  Advisor for Climate Policy and  terior; Meera Joshi is the Acting
        fice of Management and Budget. height in the Biden adminis- Innovation; Office of Domestic  Administrator, Federal Motor
            Nearly half of them are wom- tration. Biden sought to speak  Climate Policy, White  House;  Carrier Administration, Depart-
        en and a sizable number of them  with  Swati  Mohan,  Guidance  Neha  Gupta:  Associate  Coun- ment of Transportation; Aruna
        are working in the White House.  and Controls Operations Lead,  sel,  Office  of  White  House  Kalyanam is the  Deputy Assis-
        So far, the Obama-Biden admin- Mars 2020. She is not a political  Counsel; and Reema Shah as  tant Secretary for Tax and Bud-
        istration (2009-2017) has the dis- appointee though.                     Deputy Associate Counsel, Of- get, Department of the Treasury.

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