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BUSINESS EYE                                                           MARCH 03, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 34

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Microsoft adding AI-powered                                              YouTube testing ‘1080p

         Bing chatbot functionality to  Premium’ streaming option

                         mobile, Skype                                               for mobile app users

               merican tech giant Microsoft   Users  have  the  option  of  hav-  or viewers that stream You-  available.
               is now bringing the AI-based   ing one-on-one conversations with   Tube using a mobile app, the    To satisfy consumers’ requests
        ABing  chatbot  to  mobile  and   Bing or adding it to group chats so  Fvideo-sharing platform appears   for higher quality mobile video view-
        Skype two weeks after its original   that anyone may tag it and ask a   to be testing a new option.   ing, YouTube may be able to reduce
        launch.                           question. They can choose to have     According to GSM Arena, a     operating costs with the help of this
            According to GSM Arena, a     the response be in the form of bullet   tech news outlet, as spotted by Red-  new option.
        tech news outlet, first of all, the fea-  points, text, or a simplified response   dit user u/KZedUK, a new option   This comes shortly after Susan
        ture is being added to the Bing iOS   in over 100 languages.        for stream  quality  appeared called   Wojcicki’s  resignation  as  CEO  of
        and Android app. The Bing button in   For those who are unaware, Bing   ‘1080p Premium’ described to have   YouTube, albeit it has not yet been
        the app would allow users who have   with AI capabilities is Microsoft’s re-  “Enhanced bitrate”.     determined whether the move is due
        been invited to the preview to initiate   sponse to popular ChatGPT-style in-  This new stream option will be   to Neil Mohan’s appointment as the
        a conversation with the chatbot. Us-  telligent AI chatbots.        available to YouTube Premium sub-  new CEO.
        ers can either tap their query or now   It can respond to your inquiries   scribers, in addition to the ‘regular’   As per GSM Arena, Android Po-
        also just tap the microphone button   verbosely and intelligently, whether   1080p option, which is quite gener-  lice also speculates that the “1080p
        to speak it out loud.             they are straightforward  like  “how   ously compressed.            Premium” video option may also put
            The homepage of the Microsoft   distant is the moon?” or more com-  GSM Arena has reported that   60fps and 120fps videos behind the
        Edge app, which is accessible on iOS   plex like “create an itinerary for a va-  according to This is Tech Today the   YouTube Premium paywall.
        and Android, also offers similar ca-  cation to Japan.”             new “high-bitrate” 1080p option       Meanwhile, the outlet has shared
        pabilities. Users of Skype on all plat-  As per GSM Arena, at the time,   could address users’ desire to watch   that YouTube was earlier testing an
        forms will also have access to Bing’s   the feature is available through in-  higher-quality videos, which they   “add to queue” feature from mobile
        newly discovered intelligence, re-  vites only and was previously only ac-  address by switching to a 1440p or   for Android and iOS users with a
        ported GSM Arena.                 cessible through the Microsoft Edge   2160p (4K) streaming option when   Premium subscription.
                                          desktop browser.
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