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BUSINESS EYE                                                           MARCH 03, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 32

                  USISPF and Indiaspora laud

               Ajay Banga’s appointment for

                            leading the World Bank

        Banga is a founding trustee of the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum and Chairman Emeritus
                                                    of the American India Foundation

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            transition to mobilizing resources in
                                                                                                              public-private partnerships to tackle
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              climate, water resources, food secu-
               S  President  Joe  Biden  on                                                                   rity, and healthcare issues, the state-
              Thursday nominated former                                                                       ment read.
        UMastercard CEO Ajay Ban-                                                                                “It’s another proud chapter in the
        ga to lead the World Bank. “Ajay is                                                                   success stories of the Indian-Ameri-
        uniquely equipped to lead the World                                                                   can diaspora, and I wish Ajay all the
        Bank  at  this  critical  moment  in  his-                                                            best for this new inning,” it added.
        tory. He has spent more than three                                                                        Meanwhile, Indiaspora also ap-
        decades building and managing suc-                                                                    plauded the nomination of Ajay Ban-
        cessful, global companies that create                                                                 ga for President of the World Bank.
        jobs and bring investment to develop-                                                                 In a statement, MR Rangaswami,
        ing economies, and guiding organiza-                                                                  Indiaspora Founder and Chairman
        tions through periods of fundamental                                                                  said, “I am delighted that Ajay has
        change. He has a proven track re-                                                                     been nominated by President Biden
        cord  managing  people  and  systems,                                                                 to lead the World Bank. It is great
        and partnering with global leaders                                                                    to  see  such  an  eminently  qualified
        around the world to deliver results,”   Ajay Banga is a global leader in technology, data, financial services and innovating    Indian-American nominated for this
        read Biden’s statement.                                   for inclusion (File photo)                  prestigious  international  leadership
            Banga, a business leader with                                                                     role. Especially relevant, given re-
        extensive experience leading suc-  through a strategic, technological   and the Distinguished Friends of Sin-  cent commentary around the Bank’s
        cessful organizations in developing   and cultural transformation.  gapore Public Service Star in 2021.  mission and objectives, is that Ajay
        countries and forging public-private   Over the course of his career, he   US-India Strategic Partnership   brings a sharp focus on climate re-
        partnerships  to  address  financial  in-  has become a global leader in tech-  Forum (USISPF) congratulated   siliency  and  environmental  sustain-
        clusion and climate change, is to be   nology,  data,  financial  services  and   Ajay Banga after being nominated by   ability.  In  nominating  him  to  this
        President of the World Bank.      innovating for inclusion.         United  States President Joe Biden   position, the President has made an
           “He also has critical experience   He is the Honorary Chairman of   for the President’s role in World   inspired choice.”
        mobilizing public-private resources   the International Chamber of Com-  Bank and said that the nominee is a   Sanjeev Joshipura, Indiaspora’s
        to tackle the most urgent challenges   merce, serving as Chairman from   tireless believer in strengthening the   Executive Director, also comment-
        of our time, including climate change.  2020-2022. He is also Chairman of   US-India ties, according to the state-  ed on Banga’s nomination and said
        Raised in India, Ajay has a unique   Exor and Independent Director at   ment released by USISPF.      that his private sector background
        perspective on the opportunities and   Temasek.  He  became  an  advisor  to   Talking about Banga’s nomina-  will  give  immense value in  enhanc-
        challenges  facing  developing  coun-  General Atlantic’s climate-focused   tion, USISPF President and CEO,  ing his effectiveness as World Bank
        tries and how the World Bank can   fund, BeyondNetZero, at its incep-  Mukesh Aghi said, “Ajay, is a tire-  President.
        deliver on its ambitious agenda to re-  tion in 2021.               less believer in both the strength of   As the first Indian-born nominee
        duce poverty and expand prosperity,”   He is a member of the Trilater-  US-India ties and strengthening the   to this role, Banga brings a lived un-
        read the statement.               al Commission, a founding trustee   relationship  even  further.  Ajay  has   derstanding of the challenges faced
            The decision comes after World   of the  US-India Strategic Partner-  been instrumental in setting up USI-  by developing nations, he added.
        Bank’s President David Malpass ear-  ship  Forum,  a  former  member  of   SPF as a founding board member   He was born and educated in In-
        lier said that he will step down almost   the National Committee on United   and a vital pillar in our success over   dia before becoming a US citizen in
        a year early from his position. Mal-  States-China Relations, and Chair-  the last five years. Ajay’s background   2007 and would replace David Mal-
        pass’ exit comes months after calls   man Emeritus of the American India   in his early years in India, gives him   pass, Indiaspora said in a statement.
        grew for him to step down after he   Foundation.                    a deep understanding of the emerg-    Ajay Banga is a global leader in
        declined to acknowledge the scien-    Banga was awarded the Foreign   ing market world and bridging the   technology,  data,  financial  services
        tific consensus that fossil fuels were   Policy Association Medal in 2012,   gaps in gender parity and working   and innovating for inclusion. Ajay has
        warming the planet.               the Padma Shri by the President of   towards poverty alleviation, issues   more than 30 years of business ex-
            Banga currently serves as Vice   India in 2016, the Ellis Island Medal   at the core ethos of the Bank’s mis-  perience, including heading Master-
        Chairman at General Atlantic. Pre-  of Honor and the Business Council   sion”. Banga’s work with Citigroup,  card and serving on the boards of the
        viously, he was President and CEO   for International Understanding’s   Mastercard, General Atlantic, and   American Red Cross, Kraft Foods and
        of Mastercard, leading the company   Global Leadership Award in 2019,   USISPF will allow for a seamless   Dow Inc, according to the statement.

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