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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 03, 2023 | The Indian Eye 22
AAPI’s Share the Warmth Program
Brings Comfort to the Needy
Chicago, IL
ontinuing the tradition of pro-
viding comfort and warmth to
Cthe needy and the homeless in
the United States during this winter
season, with the overwhelming sup-
port from dozens of Chapters, we at
the American Association of Physi-
cians of Indian Origin (AAPI) are
happy to announce that thousands of
people across the nation have bene-
fitted from the generosity of AAPI
members, ” Dr. Ravi Kolli, President
of AAPI said.
For several years, AAPI at
the national level and var-
ious Chapters at the state
level have been jointly lead-
ing efforts to bring warmth
and comfort into the lives of
cal Georgia Chapter, which jumped communities we live in and work in,” of Dr. Suresh Reddy to bring warmth
the needy across the United into action, distributing Blankets to said Dr. V. Ranga, Chair of APPI to the needy. Dr. Binod Sinha, found-
States. Launched in 2019, those stranded and without power BOT. “As a token of our appreciation er President of NJ AAPI in New Jer-
during this cold winter, in the after- and gratitude, we believe we are hap- sey organized and conducted it suc-
this noble initiative has now math of a devastating Tornado strik- py to be able to give back and serve cessfully that year and since then it
become an annual tradition of ing parts of Georgia state. the less fortunate in our society in has been held annually by AAPI and
local Chapters of AAPI.
“It was heartwarming to see how times of their need.”
giving by AAPI to local com- they greatly appreciated our timely “This has been a one-of-a-kind “After experiencing the gener-
munities. AAPI’s “Share The help.” Praising the concerted efforts experience for the teams of physi- osity of AAPI members, we strong-
of several other AAPI Chapters, Dr. cians and young volunteers alike who ly feel that we can accomplish much
Warmth” project has donated Lolabahhttu said, “We had the same have generously volunteered their more with support and participation
thousands of blankets to the feedback from several other state time and resources to bring joy to the from all our AAPI physicians led by
leaders that their donations have less fortunate. I want to thank all the the local Chapters,” said Dr. Sumul
poor and the needy in several been very well received and greatly State Chapter leaders for their com- Rawal, Treasurer of AAPI.
Dr. Kolli and Dr. Lolabhattu
homeless shelters across the appreciated by the local communi- mitment and their enthusiastic par- thanked ATG Tours for being the
ties. Thanks to our AAPI President ticipation,” said Dr. Anjana Samad-
nation every year. Dr. Ravi Kolli for his leadership and der, President-Elect of AAPI. Grand sponsor of the program, and
we would say that this is another glo- “Realizing how this initiative all the AAPI members for their gen-
rious feather on his cap.” benefits several needy in the com- erous contributions.
“We are immensely happy to
Dr. Kolli, while expressing grat-
In a heart-warming gesture, led munity, gives us the motivation to
state that our AAPI’s ‘SHARE THE by Dr. Madhavi Gorusu, Director organize many such events and give itude and appreciation to the AAPI
WARMTH’ program has been high- of Medical Oncology at Charlotte back to the local community. We are Chapters for organizing the Drives
ly successful this year,” said Dr. Ra- Hungerford Hospital, Hartford very happy to say that the purpose of around the nation, said, “Knowing
ghu Lolabhattu, Vice Chair of AAPI HealthCare, AAPI donated blankets the program has been accomplished that such measures benefit several
Board of Trustees and Chair, Share to LifeStar, who in turn provided by AAPI working with so many state needy in the community gives us the
The Warmth program.
blankets to local EMS, the Hartford Chapters and hope more things will motivation to organize more such
“We had nearly 30 state Chap- Hospital Emergency Department, happen in the future,” Dr. Satheesh events and give back to the local com-
ters of AAPI who participated in and the Neighborhood Health team Kathula, Vice President of AAPI munities where we live and serve. We
this program and helped about 3,000 to hand out in the community. said. strongly feel that we can make more
homeless and other needy citizens, “We at AAPI are extremely AAPI launched the “Share-A- such accomplishments with support
which is a commendable gesture.” grateful for the opportunities we Blanket” project during the holiday and participation from all our gener-
Dr. Lolabhattu pointed to the lo- have been blessed with to serve the season in 2019 during the presidency ous AAPI physicians.”