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North                      The Indian Eye


         20                                                                                                                        February 26, 2021

                                                 sWati moHan

                         the indian american face

                of successful mission to mars

            In the NASA control room, a bindi-clad scientist was in command when Perseverance

                                                 rover made a landing on the red planet

        Our Bureau

        New York

              he  National  Aeronautics
              and Space Administra-
       Ttion’s (NASA) Persever-
        ance rover on last  Thursday
        successfully touched down on
        the surface of Mars after sur-
        viving a blazing seven-minute
        plunge through the Martian at-
        mosphere. Among the scientists
        who are part of this historic mis-
        sion, Indian-American Dr Swati
        Mohan  spearheaded  the  devel-
        opment of attitude control and
        the landing system for the rover.
        “Touchdown  confirmed!  Perse-
        verance is safely on the surface
        of Mars, ready to begin seeking
        the signs of past life,” exclaimed
        NASA engineer Dr Swati Mo- first time, she was quite astound- nary. Everyone is respectful of  Q&A on NASA’s website. “The
        han.                                 ed by the beautiful depictions of  each other. And I think that’s  vastness of space holds so much
            When the world watched the  the new regions of the universe  part of the reason that Perse- knowledge that we have only
        dramatic landing, in the con- that they were exploring. She  verance was able to succeed… I  begun to learn.”
        trol room, calm and composed  had immediately realized  that  definitely  think  diversity  helps                 Still, she thought she would
        bindi-clad Dr Mohan was com- she wanted to do that and “find  with innovation,” she said in an  grow up  to  become  a  pediatri-
        municating and coordinating  new and beautiful places in the  interview.                                      cian. It wasn’t until she took her
        between the GN&C subsystem  universe.”                                       Not only is Mohan a pivotal  first physics class at age 16 that
        and the rest of the project’s           “I was a year old when my  player in the effort to determine  she began considering a career
        team. Apart from being the lead  family moved from India to the  whether there was ever life on  in engineering, which would al-
        systems engineer during the  US. I am Indian as much as I am  the red planet; she’s also a re- low her to follow her childhood
        development process, she also  American. I still  have a lot  of  flection  of  the  progress  NASA  dreams of exploring space.
        looks after the team and sched- family in India that we try and  has  made  in  reflecting  the  na-              Dr Mohan holds a Bachelor
        ules the mission control staffing  visit when we’re able. My par- tion it represents. Mohan has  of Science degree in Mechani-
        for GN&C.                            ents raised me with strong Indi- been interested in space ever  cal and Aerospace Engineering
            NASA scientist Dr Mo- an values and I feel like they did  since  she  saw  her  first  “Star  from Cornell University and
        han emigrated from India to  a good job at helping us balance  Trek” television episode at age  completed her MS and PhD
        America when she was just one- both cultures… I would have  9. It opened up her world to  from MIT in Aeronautics/As-
        year-old. She spent most of her  to say that, in my perspective,  the beauty and expanse of the  tronautics.
        childhood in the Northern Vir- JPL is incredibly diverse. I am  universe. “I remember think-                     While she has been a mem-
        ginia-Washington  DC  metro  not the only woman of color. I  ing ‘I want to do that. I want to  ber of the Perseverance Rover
        area. At the age of 9, after hav- am not the only Indian woman  find new and beautiful places in  mission since the beginning at
        ing watched ‘Star Trek’ for the  or the only woman or non-bi- the universe,’” she recalled in a                  Continued on next page... >>

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