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OPINION                                                               February 26, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          19

         farmers, disha and a victory for women

             Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              eople often wonder why                                                                                  right  to speak  not  only  about
              a leader like Trump lies,                                                                               the sexual harassment that she
        Pwhy he spreads hatred or                                                                                     was subjected to but also of that
        why he tries to divide the people.                                                                            experienced by others.”
        They do not understand that
        this is an exercise by Trump to                                                                                         Jayna Kothari,
        train the people. People are sur-                                                                                    The Indian Express
        prised by the prime minister’s                                                                                   “Our democracy needs to
        statement in parliament, when                                                                                 revive the festivals of dissent
        he ridiculed the farmers’ move-                                                                               it was famous for. The idea of
        ment.                                                                                                         sedition and the suppression
            He believes that farmers are                                                                              of dissent have turned our pol-
        fools who can be misguided by                                                                                 ity into a dismal entity. To give
        some “professional agitators”                                                                                 voice to the voiceless is now an
        and “parasites”, who are driving                                                                              anti-national activity. Dissent,
        the movement at the farmers’                                                                                  which literally anchored the in-
        expense. He says the movement                                                                                 formal economy of a democra-
        is being sponsored by foreign                                                                                 cy, is now treated as epidemic.
        hands. He says this when the                                                                                  The regime seems afraid of a
        movement is becoming bigger                                                                                   new generation finding its rele-
        by the day, spreading wider.                                                                                  vance and articulation around
           Yet the minister of agri-                                                                                  ecology and environmentalism.
        culture told a white lie in par-                                                                              Its ham-handedness is turning
        liament. He said that there is                                                                                figures  like  Ridhima  Pandey,
        “confusion and opposition” only                                                                               the Uttarakhand activist, and
        in one state regarding the new                                                                                Disha  Ravi  into  iconic  figures.
        agricultural laws. And even af-                                                                               They will become part of the
        ter millions of people took to                                                                                new swaraj, a life-giving imagi-
        the streets against the laws, the                                                                             nation, for a new idea of a plan-
        prime minister  does not  pay                                                                                 etary earth. Suddenly planetary
        heed. The prime minister has         Climate activist Disha Ravi being produced at Patiala House Court by Delhi  issues, from climate change to
        had a lot of practice in this strat-                    Police in New Delhi last week (ANI)                   the future of farming or the fate
        egy. As chief minister of Guja-                                                                               of the tribe — each a critical hu-
        rat, after the massacre of 2002,  ideology opposed to the gov- able to have any public or pro- man rights issue — have been
        when the world criticized him  erning regime are imprisoned  fessional existence. This modus  defined as anti-national.
        for mass violence against Mus- or muzzled, is bound to fail,  operandi was initiated after sev-                  The demonology being built
        lims, what was his reaction?         particularly if fear is the domi- eral revelations  of  sexual ha- around  Thunberg  and  climate
                                             nant emotion. The first step to  rassment were made publicly in  change is fascinating to watch.
                   apoorvanand,              unleashing the “animal spirits”  India, especially when the per- After Covid-19, India has been
                    The Wire                 is surely to recognize that fear  sons accused of sexual harass- systematically liberalizing envi-
           “Freedom       is   indivisible. and control over thought and  ment  were  well-known  figures.  ronmental rules, allowing cor-
        Freedom cannot be compart- expression, are the biggest de- Film actors such as Alok Nath,  porations to play the role of
        mentalized. The authoritari- terrent to those spirits.”                  Arjun Sarja, Nana Patekar and  birds of prey.  The issue  is  not
        an economic miracle of China                  sagarika ghose,             scientist R K Pachauri all filed  just that India is seeking to de-
        may be a role model for some,                                             criminal and civil defamation  stroy its future; it has turned de-
        but in India, given the dizzying            The Times of India            complaints and suits against  mocracy and citizenship into an
        diversities of economic life, the       “Defamation        complaints the women who had filed com- arid game.”
        evidence shows that economic         serve a dual purpose for those  plaints  against  them  or  those
        growth is best achieved in times  accused of sexual harassment:  who supported the victims, in-                        shiv visvanathan,
                                                                                                                                The Telegraph
        of civic and social freedom.         They not only want to protect  cluding lawyers and others such
            The attempt to spur free pri- their own reputation but also  as Priya Ramani.
        vate enterprise when a vast state  to ensure that the complainant            The verdict in M J Akbar’s        Every  week, we  look  at  what
        apparatus is severely constrict- is proved guilty of making false  complaint  of  defamation  is,              the top commentators in the
        ing civil and democratic rights,  statements, is publicly shamed  therefore, extremely important.              Indian media are talking about
        when sedition charges are being  and is harassed to such an ex- It throws out his criminal com-                and bring to you a slice of their
                                                                                                                       opinions and comments
        slapped, when those holding any  tent that she would never be  plaint and upholds Ramani’s

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