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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 23, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 22

          Adams Administration Releases Sexual

           and Reproductive Health Bill of Rights

                                     Enshrines Right to Dignified, Respectful,

                  and Compassionate Sexual Reproductive Health Care for All

        OUR BUREAU

        NEW YORK, NY
              s the right to access abortion
              care has been stripped away
        Afrom over one-third of U.S.
        women, New York City Mayor Eric
        Adams today announced the city is
        further enshrining its commitment to
        reproductive rights, releasing the Sex-
        ual and Reproductive Bill of Rights.
        This Bill of Rights defines health as
        inclusive of access to sexual health
        care,  birth  control,  gender-affirming
        health care, and abortion services,
        and will help ensure that all patients
        in New York City are protected from
        discrimination and harassment relat-
        ed to their sexual and reproductive
        health care decisions. The Sexual and
        Reproductive  Bill of Rights  will  be
        distributed to the New York City De-
        partment of Health and Mental Hy-
        giene’s (DOHMH) network of health
        care providers, advocacy groups, and
        partner organizations across the city
        to share with patients.
        “Two years ago, the Supreme
        Court stripped women of the right to
        control their own bodies, and since
        then, cities and states across the coun-
        try have worked tirelessly to com-
        pletely limit abortion access to Amer-
        icans,” said Mayor Adams. “As much
        of the nation continues their attacks  Williams-Isom. “With the release of  Reproductive Health Bill of Rights   and exercising these rights is just
        on abortion care, we won’t ever allow  the Sexual and Reproductive Health  will enshrine the right to comprehen-  as important. That is why the city is
        this right to be stripped away here in  Bill of Rights, we are communicating  sive reproductive health and family   launching the Sexual and Reproduc-
        New York City. We are issuing a Sex-  clearly  with  providers  all  across  the  planning,  continuing  the  promise   tive Health Bill of Rights and bringing
        ual and Reproductive Health Bill of  city about what is right and just in a  of ‘Women Forward NYC’ to help   additional abortion services online —
        Rights today to do everything in our  health care environment. Patients and  all women, including transgender   to provide support that helps people
        power to ensure abortion and repro-  providers alike can now have more  and gender expansive New Yorkers,   navigate multiple barriers to care. Ev-
        ductive health care remain available  clarity in these care conversations and  thrive.”               eryone deserves to receive reproduc-
        to residents and visitors alike. This  know that New York City stands with   “Abortion care is health care,   tive health care in a safe, high-quality,
        is about protecting women’s choices  them at each step along the way.”  health care is a human right, and New   dignified environment.”
        and their freedoms.”                  “While rights to reproductive  Yorkers, and all Americans, have a   In 2022, in its Dobbs v. Jackson
            “New  York  City  has  acted  to  health for women, transgender, and  right to exercise their rights by mak-  Women’s Health Organization, the
        protect reproductive rights and  gender expansive people are erod-  ing health care decisions about their   U.S. Supreme Court overturned the
        has  strengthened  access  to  ser-  ed nationally, this administration is  own bodies,” said DOHMH Commis-  federal right to access safe, legal abor-
        vices through the Abortion Access  a leader in ensuring all New Yorkers  sioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan. “Abortion   tion care nationwide.
        Hub and other  programs  launched  receive necessary health care,” said  remains legal in New York, but we   Since that decision, New York
        by DOHMH and NYC Health +  Deputy Mayor for Housing, Econom-        know that protected rights are neces-  City has introduced a range of ser-
        Hospitals,”  said  Deputy  Mayor  for  ic Development, and Workforce Ma-  sary, but not sufficient, to guarantee   vices  to  protect  and  fulfill  the  local
        Health  and  Human  Services  Anne  ria Torres-Springer. “This Sexual and  access to care. Knowing your rights   right to access abortion care.

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