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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 23, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 21

         New Jersey establishes India Commission to

               advance cultural and economic relations

            The commission aims to promote cultural and educational exchanges between New Jersey and

                                         India and sustainable long-term economic growth.

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            of dynamic convergence and conflu-
                                                                                                              ence of India’s economic resilience,
        Trenton, NJ
                                                                                                              presence of a highly successful Indi-
               ew Jersey Governor Phil Mur-                                                                   an-American community and Amer-
               phy signed an executive order                                                                  ica’s spirit of innovation, fostering
        Nestablishing a commission for                                                                        a landscape ripe with opportunities
        India which will be charged with ad-                                                                  across sectors.”
        vancing bilateral trade, investment                                                                       The New Jersey-India Commis-
        and cultural ties. Soon after signing                                                                 sion will consist of no less than 35
        the  executive  order,  Murphy  an-                                                                   and no more than 45 members, each
        nounced more than  40 members  to                                                                     appointed by the Governor. India is
        the New Jersey-India Commission,                                                                      New Jersey’s second-largest foreign
        headed by Wesley Mathews, a former                                                                    direct investor and the majority of its
        US diplomat.                                                                                          immigrant population hails from that
        “I am honored to establish the                                                                        country. Over the past two decades,
        New Jersey-India Commission to                                                                        India has invested USD2 billion in
        strengthen the cultural and economic  that New Jersey and India have long   to grow together and pioneer new  New Jersey, helping to create nearly
        ties between New Jersey and India for  shared,” he added.           possibilities,” Murphy said.      6,000 jobs in key sectors like life sci-
        generations to come,” Murphy said.    “We take immense pride in the     Consul General of India Binaya  ences and technology.
        “Following my visit to India in 2019,  contributions of our vast Indian im-  Srikanta Pradhan, who was also pres-  The commission is expected to
        we have been committed to strength-  migrant population and, through this   ent on the occasion,  said, “Our part-  provide advice to the Governor as
        ening our relationship, building on  commission, we can ensure that we   nership with New Jersey is unique in  well as to the other New Jersey gov-
        the overlapping  economic strengths  seize a new century of opportunities   several ways. It is a potential story  ernment agencies and departments.

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