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OPINION                                                               February 19, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          19

         witch hunts, sedition and other charges

             Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

                 elhi police’s arrest of                                                                                   cLimate caLamity
                 young  climate  activist
        DDisha Ravi on multiple                                                                                             he tragedy is not just the
        charges like sedition, criminal                                                                                     calamity itself. The trage-
        conspiracy and promoting en-                                                                                 Tdy is that we do not care.
        mity between groups – alleging                                                                                Instead of healing the hills, we
        her involvement in a farm agita-                                                                              do the opposite. Take this: the
        tion toolkit publicized by Greta                                                                              Niti Aayog has commissioned a
        Thunberg  –  appears dispropor-                                                                               study to examine the “unintend-
        tionate. Police sought Disha’s                                                                                ed” economic impact of judg-
        custodial remand to ‘unearth’ her
        purported links to a Khalistani                                                                               ments by the Supreme Court
        group that allegedly originated                                                                               and the National Green Tribu-
        the toolkit. Police have claimed                                                                              nal. This is bizarre. The study
        that events unfolding in Delhi in-                                                                            should have ideally be on the
        cluding the January 26 violence                                                                               long-term costs of the environ-
        reveal execution of the “action                                                                               mental  devastation  caused  by
        plan” detailed in the toolkit                                                                                 development projects.
        Greta initially posted and then           Protesters with posters shouting slogans against the arrest of          It is no secret that the Nar-
        deleted. But this allegation will       environment activist Disha Ravi outside Delhi Police Headquarters,    endra Modi regime disregards
        be scrutinized against the fee-                          in New Delhi on Tuesday, (ANI)                       any serious efforts put towards
        ble ground presence of Disha’s                                                                                conservation. Its idea of envi-
        Fridays For Future India group. dent Donald Trump’s accounts,                 LibeRaLism in india             ronmentalism seems to involve
            The police’s task is to gauge if  there was celebration among
        the yardsticks for invoking sedi- liberals. But social media com-               iberalism    acknowledges building zoos rather than con-
        tion like incitement to imminent  panies are unlikely to always                 the rule of law as the ul- serving forests. Building proj-
        violence can be applied against  find themselves on the winning          Ltimate arbiter of all the  ects is a priority, even if they
        a ragtag bunch of activists led  side in other democracies. The          questions of justice. But Article    destroy forests, oceans, river or
                                                                                 22 has created a different rule of
        by Disha. Globally, toolkits are  context and issues are inevitably      law for certain classes of citizens.   mountain ecosystems beyond
        used  by  activist  groups  to  pro- different and applying the same     While the intelligentsia theoreti-   repair.
        vide basic information about  tactics against political targets           cally believes due process of law       I remember the wise counsel
        their cause and offer suggestions  will  backfire,  as  Twitter  discov-                                      of the American ecologist and
        on social media tags and on-site  ered in Delhi.                         is fundamental to democratic         pre-eminent climate scientist,
        protests. However, Delhi police         If India raised Twitter’s dif-   governance, its perceptions and      George Woodwell, given during
        has only itself to blame for the  ferential treatment of the riots       practices often  fail  to demon-     a talk at the Prairie Festival of
                                                                                  strate this in case of the underclass.
        public outrage now.                  in Washington and Delhi,  Eu-           Yes, the threat to freedom in    Land Institute at Salina, Kansas,
            Disha’s hush-hush arrest  ropean leaders raised important            India is graver than it was before,   the United States of America,
        with no clarity on whether a  questions about social media’s             but the above facts and practic- in September 2009.
        transit remand from a Bengal- actions against Trump. Ger-
        uru court was obtained and the  man Chancellor Angela Merkel             es demonstrate that it is neither       A functional civilization, he
        remand hearing in Delhi where  spoke for many Europeans                  unprecedented nor sudden. For  said, needs three things: a func-
                                                                                 long, governments have institu-
        she was represented by a legal  when she called it “problematic”.        tionalized the threat to human       tional government, a functional
        aid counsel rather than a lawyer        The European Commission-         freedom  and  emaciated  it  un-     economy and a functional eco-
        of her choice lead to questions  er for internal markets, Thierry        recognizably.                        system. Political trade-offs are
        on whether her constitutional  Breton, expanded on the issues                                                 possible  for  the  first  two;  the
        rights were prejudiced.”             involved.                               Parts of civil society have      third is non-negotiable. There
                                                “The fact that a CEO can         been actively justifying this prac-  cannot be any trade-off with na-
                     editorial,              pull the plug” on an elected        tice but  the intelligentsia has
               The Times of India            President of the world’s most       remained indifferent, its claims     ture; follow the rule, or perish.”
                                             powerful nation “without any        notwithstanding. This attitude                Jaideep hardikar,
                                             checks and balances” “displays      has undermined equality before                 The Telegraph
              sociaL media and               deep weaknesses in the way our      law as a political value and cre-
                  democRacy                  society is organized in the digital  ated a generalized atmosphere   Every week, we look at what the

                 n  the  political  front,   space,” he warned.”                 for a threat to freedom.”             top commentators in the Indian
                                                                                                                         media are talking about and
                 when Twitter and Face-                c. Raja mohan,                      murali karnam,                 bring to you a slice of their

        Obook shut down Presi-                      The Indian Express                        The Wire                     opinions and comments

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