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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline February 19, 2021 | The Indian Eye 24
rose campaign and full-page ad in nYT:
groups ramp up support for protesting farmers
Along with the 75 organizations, several journalists, activists, and entertainers
extended their support to the protesting farmers
the organization comprises ad-
Our Bureau vocates from rural areas work-
NEW YORK, NY ing towards causes like equal
pay for Latina women and the
ore than 12 diaspora rights of farmworkers. The or-
organizations spread
Macross the world show- ganization published a state-
cased their support to farmers in ment on their website explain-
India and their demands to be ing their decision to run the ad.
The organization also pub-
heard and for the repeal of the lished video supporting Indian
three agricultural laws. On Sun- farmers on their social media
day, on the occasion of Valen- pages.
tine’s Day, a group of Indian di-
aspora organizations launched
a rose campaign called “Love along with the 75 organi-
Conquers Hate” in support of zations, several journalists,
the protesting farmers in India.
Farmers are protesting against solidarity with farmers in India.:” Women, a civil rights organi- activists, and entertainers
the Indian government’s three It also included the hashtags, zation based in the US ran a extended their support to
controversial farm laws. #Rose2Repeal #LoveToFarm- full-page advertisement in The
Indian farmers have been ers #OneAppealRepeal.” New York Times on Tuesday. the protesting farmers.
protesting for nearly two The coalition also wrote a As many as 75 civil rights, legal, actresses kerry washing-
months over new laws they say letter addressed to Indian Con- and community organizations
will benefit big corporations sulates as part of its campaign. from across the world co-signed ton, america Ferrera, eva
and wreak havoc on the earn- As per various media reports, the solidarity statement. “To Longoria, pallavi sharda;
ings of smaller scale farmers. the letter said: “We hereby ex- Indian farmers: You have ignit-
They want the laws withdrawn. press our unwavering support ed one of the largest protests in comedians ahir shah, and
According to a media state- for the moral perseverance of human history. From the fields hari kondabolu; youtube
ment, the coalition said: “We the brave farmers of India who of Punjab to the villages of Ker-
would like to express our un- have continued to struggle since ala, to the streets of New Del- star Lilly singh, journal-
wavering solidarity with the August 2020 for their right to hi, your voices echo around the ist van Jones, the polis
farmers in India and to draw be heard, for food sovereignty world. Now we raise our voices
attention to their non-violent and security for all Indian citi- in solidarity,” read the state- project’s suchitra vijayan,
protest braving harsh weather zens, and for justice across the ment in the advertisement. writer kiran desai, and
conditions and repressive mea- Indian Republic in their de- The organizations that ex-
sures for over two months.” mands to repeal the three Farm tended their support include 18 new york city lawmak-
The Global Indian Progres- Laws – The Farmers’ Produce Million Rising, Amnesty Inter- er Zohran mamdani are
sive Diaspora based in the Unit- Trade and Commerce (Pro- national, Thenmozhi Soundar-
ed States encouraged people motion and Facilitation) Act, arajan’s Equality Labs, Valarie among the signatories
to extend support towards the The Farmers (Empowerment Kaur’s The Revolutionary Love who expressed their soli-
protesting farmers by tweet- and Protection) Agreement of Project, several South Asian and
ing or sending a rose to Indian Price Assurance and Farm Ser- Asia Pacific organizations, trade darity with the farmers.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. vices Act, and The Essential unions, and farm worker unions
On February 10 through a post Commodities (Amendment) from the US and around the world. On January 26, Demonstra-
on social media, GIPD said: Act.” The coalition added that The organization that paid tors had showed solidarity with
“Tweet or send a Rose to Prime it invites its media partners and for the ad, Justice for Migrant protesting farmers in India by
Minister Narendra Modi ask- other human rights groups to Women is a legal advocacy and rallying outside the Indian con-
ing to repeal farm laws or send amplify voices of support to the rights group that works to ed- sulate in New York, some honk-
a Rose to the Indian Embassy/ farmers and a universal call for ucate and protect the rights of ing their car horns while others
General Counsel in your re- peace and harmony in India. migrant women in the USA. stood in the snowy weather,
spective region to express your Also, Justice for Migrant Founded by Monica Ramirez, yelling slogans and waving flags.
www.TheIndianEYE .com