Page 18 - The Indian EYE 021921
P. 18

OPINION                                                               February 19, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          18

                             gulf security: will iran

         and saudi arabia work together?

        The year 2021 offers hope. The re-entry of Qatar presents an opportunity for the GCC to put up a united front

                                                                                                                      is doing its best to be seen as an
        raJeev agarwaL
                                                                                                                      independent and legitimate en-
              he prospects for peace and                                                                              tity, free from direct control/in-
                                                                                                                      fluence from neighbouring Iran.
              reconciliation the Gulf                                                                                 Fortunately, the GCC and Iraq
       Tregion brightened in the                                                                                      share a good relationship and
        New Year, when the Gulf Co-                                                                                   this may facilitate a better un-
        operation Council (GCC) end-
        ed its diplomatic and economic                                                                                derstanding of stakes and secu-
        blockade of Qatar on January 5.                                                                               rity concerns across both ends
        The 41st summit held at AlUla                                                                                 of the Gulf.
                                                                                                                          Given the deep-rooted mis-
        in Saudi Arabia was attended                                                                                  trusts, ideological conflicts and
        by Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad                                                                                     regional rivalries, it is indeed a
        Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, for                                                                              difficult  task.  Even  so,  incom-
        the first time in three years. The
        AlUla Declaration affirmed the                                                                                plete geo-political structures
        commitment  of  the  member                                                                                   like the GCC are not the solu-
                                                                                                                      tion. A geo-political framework
        states to work towards regional                                                                               that includes all of the con-
        peace and security ‘as a single,                                                                              cerned states can only serve as an
        unified  economic  and  political                                                                             effective platform for dialogue.
        group’.                              Saudi Arabia, a strong US ally, will play an important role in GCC affairs this year
            The Saudi Foreign Minis-                                                                                     The world has witnessed the
        ter, Prince Faisal Bin Farhan  the Saudi-led regional order.  huge market for the American                    re-unification of Germany and
        Bin Abdullah, in an interview  Even as the concerns, interests  defence industry.                             Japan became a key ally of the
                                                                                                                      US, despite being the only na-
        to Al-Arabiya on January 21,  and stakes of the other region-                The year 2021, however, of-      tion to be bombed with atomic
        stated that the Kingdom was ex- al countries and the world have  fers hope. The re-entry of Qatar             weapons, by the US. These ex-
        tending its hand for peace with  evolved significantly in the past  presents an opportunity for the           amples signify that long-held
        Iran. The spokesperson of the  decades, the GCC appears fro- GCC to put up a united front.
        Iranian Foreign Ministry, Saeed  zen in time.                                The change in US presiden-       historical and ideological differ-
        Khatibzadeh, welcomed the               The basic premise for the  cy with the election of President          ences can be overcome.
                                                                                                                          But till then, the GCC, an-
        Saudi  statement  and  affirmed  birth of GCC was to bring to- Joseph Biden offers hope for re-               chored to nations south of the
        that Iran’s position was that re- gether countries of the Gulf  instatement of the Iran nuclear               Gulf, continues to remain an in-
        gional countries should come to  region against the perceived  deal, although it may not be a                 adequate and ineffective instru-
        a common understanding on re- threat from two enemies — an  very popular decision with Isra-                  ment to pursue regional security.
        gional problems.                     ideological enemy (Iran) and a  el. Iranian presidential elections
            While  these  developments  belligerent power (Iraq). The  are also slated to be held later
        are indeed welcome, the goal  birth of GCC was thus based on  this year. The return to compli-                 Col Rajeev Agarwal is Assistant
        towards reaching a common  two major pillars, fear (of Iran  ance of all participants to the                   Director (Admin) at Manohar
        understanding towards credible  and Iraq), and exclusion (again  Iran nuclear deal will no doubt                        Parrikar IDSA
        peace and security in the Gulf  of Iran and Iraq, along with an  help in the election of a moder-                   Views expressed are of
        region still remains elusive. This  embattled and weak Yemen).           ate candidate and boost options
        can be attributed to the nature         The GCC, therefore, had  for reconciliation in the region.            the author and do not necessarily
        of the regional security architec- to lean on the US, which was  Iran would however insist on                  reflect the views of the Manohar
        ture which has been in place for  ready and willing to provide the  the lifting of economic sanctions              Parrikar IDSA or of the
                                                                                                                            Government of India.
        over four decades.                   security umbrella as it served its  and on the acceptance of its le-
            The  only  representative  multiple interests. These includ- gitimate interests and stakes in  This is the abridged version of the
        structure focusing on the Gulf  ed an easy and direct access to  the region.                                  article which appeared first in the
        region’s security is the GCC,  crude oil, geopolitical interests             The  other  major  country  Comment section of the website
        formed soon after the Irani- in Central Asia and Afghani- north of the Gulf, Iraq, too is                        ( of Manohar
        an revolution of 1979, amidst  stan,  and  countering  Russian  finding  its  feet  after  its  fight           Parrikar Institute for Defense
        fears of the Shia regime trying  influence  in  the  region.  Most  with the ISIS. The current dem- Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        to upstage the dominance of  importantly, the GCC was a  ocratically elected government                             on February 11, 2021

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