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IMMIGRATION                                                       FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 37

        ment affirms the ancient and funda-  tutional”,  stating  “There  are  other  as a violation of Rule 3.1 if found to  to  our  colleague,  Craig  Dobson.  In-
        mental  rule  of  citizenship  by  birth  times in world history where we look  be  unconstitutional.  Rule  3.1  allows  dependent  of  the  specific  rules  gov-
        within the territory, in the allegiance  back and people of goodwill can say,  for good faith arguments for the “ex-  erning lawyer conduct, Trump’s law-
        and under the protection of the coun-  ‘Where were the judges? Where were  tension,  modification,  or  reversal  of  yers should ensure that their actions
        try,  including  all  children  here  born  the  lawyers?’”.  Judge  Coughenour’s  existing law”, however, and it is like-  align with the ideals of the profession,
        of resident aliens, with the exceptions  comments  call  into  question  ABA  ly that Trump administration lawyers  which prioritize fairness, justice, and
        or qualifications (as old as the rule it-  Model  Rule  3.1,  which  states  that  a  would argue that the policy laid out  upholding  the  rights  of  individuals.
        self) of children of foreign sovereigns  lawyer  “shall  not  bring  or  defend  a  in the new executive order falls within  While Trump holds the office of Pres-
        or their ministers, or born on foreign  proceeding, or assert or controvert an  this exception.       ident of the United States, he is not
        public ships, or of enemies within and  issue therein, unless there is a basis in   Experts  will  disagree  and  take  a lawyer, and is not beholden to the
        during a hostile occupation of part of  law and fact for doing so that is not  the position that Trump’s lawyers may  same  ethical  standards.  Lawyers,  by
        our territory, and with the single addi-  frivolous, which includes a good faith  be  committing  ethical  violations  in  contrast, are called to uphold the laws
        tional exception of children of mem-  argument for an extension, modifica-  supporting policies that may be cruel  of the United States and avoid per-

        bers of the Indian tribes owning direct  tion or reversal of existing law”. The  and harmful to immigrants. Support-  petuating harm and injustice.
        allegiance to their several tribes. The  Trump administration’s restriction of  ing blatantly unconstitutional actions   *Kaitlyn Box is a Partner at Cyrus D.
        Amendment,  in  clear  words  and  in  birthright citizenship  could be viewed  may be cause for concern according   Mehta & Partners PLLC.
        manifest intent, includes the children   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
        born within the territory of the United  Cyrus D. Mehta, a graduate of Cambridge University and Columbia Law School, is the Managing Partner of Cyrus D. Mehta &
        States, of all other persons, of what-  Partners PLLC in New York City. Mr. Mehta is a member of AILA’s Administrative Litigation Task Force; AILA’s EB-5 Committee;
        ever race or color, domiciles here, is   former chair of AILA’s Ethics Committee; special counsel on immigration matters to the Departmental Disciplinary Committee,
        within the allegiance and the protec-  Appellate Division, First Department, New York; member of the ABA Commission on Immigration; board member of Volunteers
        tion, and consequently subject to the   for Legal Services and board member of New York Immigration Coalition.  Mr. Mehta is the former chair of the Board of Trustees
        jurisdiction of the United States.   of the American Immigration Council and former chair of the Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law of the New York
             On January 23, 2025 Judge
        Coughenhour in the US District    City Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker and writer on various immigration-related issues, including on ethics, and is also an
        Court Western District of Washing-  adjunct professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, where he teaches a course entitled Immigration and Work.  Mr. Mehta received
        ton  at  Seattle  issued  a  temporary   the AILA 2018 Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award for advancing the practice of immigration law and the AILA 2011 Michael
        injunction blocking the implementa-  Maggio Memorial Award for his outstanding efforts in providing pro bono representation in the immigration field. He has also
        tion of the executive order. During  received two AILA Presidential Commendations in 2010 and 2016.  Mr. Mehta is ranked among the most highly regarded lawyers
        the hearing, Judge Coughenhour  in North America by Who’s Who Legal – Corporate Immigration Law 2019 and is also ranked in Chambers USA and Chambers
        called the order “blatantly unconsti-  Global 2019 in immigration law, among other rankings.

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