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IMMIGRATION                                                       FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 36

                             Should Trump’s Lawyers

                 Implementing Policies That Hurt

                  Immigrants be Concerned About

             Violating Their Ethical Obligations?

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA AND               a. Take all steps neces-  a.  Take  all  steps  neces-  almost  530,000  people  have  duct related to the practice of
                                   sary to review the alien’s case  sary to review the alien’s case   been granted parole through  law”. By directing DHS offi-
        KAITLYN BOX*
                                   and consider, in exercising  and consider, in exercising   the CHNV program, accord-  cials to expeditiously remove
                                   your enforcement discretion,  your  enforcement  discre-  ing to U.S. Customs and Bor-  some  parolees,  the  memo-
               n January 23, 2025,   whether  to  apply  expedited  tion, whether any such alien   der Protection (CBP).   randum  could  run  afoul  of
               Acting Secretary of
                                                                                             On January 20, 2025,  ABA  Model  Rule  8.4(d)  by
        Othe  Department  of       removal.  This  may  include  should be placed in removal   President Trump issued an  depriving  these  individuals
                                   steps to terminate any ongo-
                                                              proceedings; and
        Homeland  Security,  Ben-  ing removal proceeding and/    b. Review the alien’s pa-  executive order terminating  of due process. Termination
        jamine C. Huffman issued   or any active parole status.  role  status  to  determine,  in   the CHNV program. The  of  parole  for  some  individ-
        a   memorandum    entitled     (2) For any alien DHS is  exercising your enforcement   Huffman  memorandum   uals could also be viewed as
        “Guidance Regarding How    aware of who does not meet  discretion,  whether  parole   now allows  recipients of the  discrimination on the basis
        to Exercise Enforcement Dis-  the  conditions described  in  remains  appropriate  in  light   CHNV program  who had  of national origin in violation
        cretion”, which directs ICE   (1) but has been granted pa-  of any changed legal or factu-  been  paroled  into  the  Unit-  of  ABA  Model  Rule  8.4(g).
        to take the following action:   role under a policy that may  al circumstances.   ed States to be expeditiously  If  DHS’  implementation  of
            (1)  For  any  alien  DHS
        is aware of who is amenable   be  paused,  modified,  or  ter-  On January 6, 2023, the   removed. It also includes na-  the program results in a mis-
                                   minated  immediately  under  Biden Administration insti-
                                                                                          tionals of Ukraine, Afghani-
                                                                                                                     representation,  a  violation
        to  expedited  removal  but  to   the January 20 memoran-  tuted a humanitarian parole   stan  and Colombia who have  of  ABA  Model  Rule  8.4(c)
        whom expedited removal has   dum:                     program allowing certain na-  been paroled under separate  could also occur. The mem-
        not been applied:
                                                                 tionals  from  Cuba,  Haiti,   programs.  These individuals  orandum  in  itself  may  not
                                                                  Nicaragua, and Venezu-  followed the rules established  be  indicative  of  unethical
                                                                  ela (CHNV) to apply for   under the Biden administra-  conduct,  but  its  implemen-
                                                                  entry to  the U.S. for a   tion  in  order  to  be  paroled  tation  carries  significant  risk
                                                                  temporary stay of up to   into the US in a safe, orderly  of  violation  of  ethical  rules
                                                                  two  years.  All  individ-  and legitimate manner. They  by government lawyers in the
                                                                  uals  admitted  through   have  now  been  blindsided  Trump administration.
                                                                  the CHNV program        and  betrayed  by  the  Trump   In  a  previous  blog,  we
                                                                  must have a U.S.-based   administration.           discussed  Trump’s  executive
                                                                  supporter, pass security   The  devastating impact  order restricting birthright
                                                                  vetting, and meet oth-  that this policy stands to have  citizenship  to  only  a  child
                                                                  er criteria. Parole is not   calls  into  question  the  con-  born in the US has one par-
                                                                  an immigration status.   duct of the Trump adminis-  ent who is either a US citizen
                                                                  During the two-year pa-  tration lawyers involved in its  or a permanent resident. The
                                                                  role  period,  individuals   development.  We  credit  our  granting of automatic citizen-
                                                                  may seek humanitarian   colleague  Michele  Carney  ship to a child born in the US
                                                                  relief or other immigra-  in providing input on ethical  is rooted in the first sentence
                                                                  tion benefits, if they are   issues on the part of govern-  of the Fourteenth Amend-
                                                                  eligible, and work during   ment  lawyers  in  the  Trump  ment:  “All  persons  born  or
                                                                  that  time.  See  our  blog   administration.  ABA  Model  naturalized  in  the  United
                                                                  for further details on the   Rule  8.4  (c)-(d),  (g)  prohib-  States, and subject to the ju-
                                                                  CHNV program.           its lawyers from engaging in  risdiction thereof, are citizens
                     m of                                             The Biden Adminis-  conduct  that  involves  “dis-  of the United States and of
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          tration committed to ac-  honesty, fraud, deceit or mis-  the States wherein they re-
                                                                                                                     side.” In United States. V
                                                                                          representation”, that is “prej-
                                                                  cepting 30,000 beneficia-
                                                                                             ries a month from across   udicial to the administration  Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649
             the four countries. With-  of justice”, or that “the law-  (1898), the Supreme Court
                                                                  in the first six months of   yer  knows  or  reasonably  extended the Fourteenth
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             ­       launching  the  program,   should  know  is  harassment  Amendment to an individual
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                                                                  over 35,000 Cubans,     or discrimination on the basis  who was born to  parents of
                                                                  50,000 Haitians, 21,500   of race, sex, religion, nation-  Chinese descent and during a
                                                                  Nicaraguans, and 48,500   al origin, ethnicity, disability,  time when Chinese nationals
                                                                  Venezuelans came to the   age,  sexual  orientation,  gen-  were subjected to the Chi-
          2              6th Floor                                U.S. through the pro-   der identity, marital status or  nese exclusion laws:
                                                                  gram. As of August 2024,   socioeconomic status in con-  The Fourteenth Amend-
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