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EYE ON BOLLYWOOD                                                  FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 34

                                            ABHISHEK BACHCHAN

          Bollywood’s first family, their friends and fans

           have a fun moment as Jr. Bachchan turns 49

           Abhishek also received heartfelt birthday wishes from Ajay Devgn, Kajol, Sonali

                              Bendre, Sonam Kapoor and Farah Khan among others

        OUR BUREAU
              ctor  Abhishek  Bachchan  cel-
             ebrated his 49th birthday on
        AWednesday  (February 5)  with
        a  special  cake-cutting  ceremony  af-
        ter  enjoying  the  Indian  Street  Play
        League (ISPL) match between Majhi
        Mumbai  and  Falcon  Risers  Hyder-
        abad with his father, megastar Am-
        itabh Bachchan at the Dadoji Kon-
        dadev Stadium in Mumbai. Amitabh
        Bachchan was seen cheering for his
        team  Majhi  Mumbai  along  with  his
        son Abhishek Bachchan.
            On Abhishek’s 49th birthday, his
        father and megastar Amitabh Bach-
        chan took a stroll down memory lane
        and shared a picture from the time
        when Junior B was born. The black and
        white pictures posted on Big B’s blog
        shows the legendary actor at a hospital.
        Surrounded by a group of nurses near
        an infant incubator, a tiny Abhishek    Abhishek Bachchan enjoying a light moment with his father, the Bollywood legend Big B, and his wife Aishwarya Rai (File photo)
        can  be  seen  wrapped  in  a  cloth.
            Amitabh  can  be  seen  leaning   sleeve shirt. While sharing the photos,  Bendre wrote, “Happy Birthday, AB!  the actor on his special day. Taking to
        forward  and  looking  closely  with  af-  Aishwarya wrote, “Here’s wishing you  Sending lots of love and best wishes   his Instagram Stories on Wednesday,
        fection at baby Abhishek. Along with   Happy Birthday with happiness, good   your way @bachchan”Kajol shared a   the ‘Singham’ actor posted a candid
        the picture, Big B wrote: “And tonight   health, love and light God Bless”.   picture of Abhishek and wrote, “Here’s   picture with ‘Junior Bachchan’ along
        shall be a latish night .. Abhishek turns   Abhishek  also  received  heartfelt  to an amazing day and even better year  with a hilarious caption. He wrote, “Al-
        49 .. and his new year shall be brought   birthday wishes from Ajay Devgn, Ka- ahead, Abhishek! Happy Birthday.”  ways making my chest like a blouse”...
        in  ..  Feb  5,  1976  ..  Time  has  passed   jol, Sonali Bendre and Sonam Kapoor   Marking  actor  Abhishek  Bach-  hahaha. Happy birthday @bachchan,”
        rapidly .. !!!!”                  among others. Taking to his Instagram   chan’s 49th birthday, his close friend   accompanied a red heart emoji.
            He added, “At times there is a de-  Stories on Wednesday, the ‘Singham’  and filmmaker Farah Khan posted a   Ajay Devgn and Abhishek Bach-
        sire to foment the mind and express   actor posted a candid picture with ‘Ju- hilarious video showcasing the duo’s   chan  have  worked  together  in  mul-
        the thoughts with what needs to be   nior Bachchan’ along with a hilarious   fun bond. Taking to Instagram, Far-  tiple  films,  including  ‘Bol  Bachchan’,
        said .. an urge .. But with the univer-  caption.                   ah  uploaded  the  clip  which  shows  ‘LOC:  Kargil’,  ‘Yuva’,  and  ‘Zameen’.
        sal information bureau spread across   He  wrote,  “Always  making  my  her showering kisses on Junior B.  Their on-screen chemistry and off-
        every corner of the hemisphere, the   chest like a blouse”... hahaha. Happy  Abhishek’s  reaction  was  too  funny.  screen camaraderie have always been
        arousal  of  many  tributaries,  not  nec-  birthday @bachchan,” accompanied  “This and much more love to my boy,  appreciated by fans.
        essarily  compassionate  with  the  text,   a red heart emoji. Ajay Devgn and  Abhishek Bachchan, on his birthday   On the work front, Abhishek was
        gets mutilated. So.”              Abhishek Bachchan have worked to- today! PS: He pretends he doesn’t like   recently  seen  in  ‘I  Want  to  Talk’,  di-
            Taking  to  her  Instagram  handle,   gether in multiple films, including ‘Bol   me  doing  this  but  actually  he  loves   rected by Shoojit Sircar. The movie,
        his  wife  Aishwarya  Rai  took  a  stroll   Bachchan’, ‘LOC: Kargil’, ‘Yuva’, and   it!!,” she captioned the post.  released  on  November  22,  features
        down the memory lane and shared a   ‘Zameen’.  Their  on-screen  chemistry   Abhishek has worked with Farah  Abhishek  in  the  lead  role  alongside
        childhood picture of Abhishek while   and  off-screen  camaraderie  have  al- on the film ‘Happy New Year’, which  Ahilya Bamroo, Jayant Kriplani, Johny
        penning  a  heartfelt  note  for  him   ways been appreciated by fans.  also  stars  Shah  Rukh  Khan,  Boman  Lever,  Pearle  Dey,  and  Kristin  God-
        on his 49th birthday. In the picture,   Sonam  shared  a  still  from  their  Irani and Deepika Padukone.  dard. Produced by Ronnie Lahiri and
        Abhishek  looks  adorable  as  holds  a   famous track ‘Masakali’ from ‘Delhi 6’   Abhishek  also  received  heartfelt  Sheel  Kumar  under  the  Rising  Sun
        steering wheel of a toy car while wear-  film and captioned it, “Happy birthday  birthday wishes from his close friend  Films  banner,  the  film  is  now  avail-
        ing a black dungaree and a half white   Abhishek.  Wishing  Abhishek,  Sonali  and fellow actor Ajay Devgn wished   able  for  streaming  on  Prime  Video.

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