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BIG STORY February 12, 2021 | The Indian Eye 6
narendra mOdi: getting tOugh!
>> Continued from previous page... measures. worked on a specific brief from just in time.
isted in April 2020. This means As the blinds were pulled Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Modi was clear that China
that while PLA will withdraw across the windows in IT minis- The ban must be announced got an unequivocal message af-
to the Srijap sector, east of Fin- ter Ravi Shankar Prasad’s office before the talks began. The ter the savage clash at Galwan.
ger 8 mountainous spur on the to ensure the flurry of activity ministry brass, along with law The disengagement an-
north bank, the Indian Army was not noticed, top officials officials, finished the paperwork nounced at Pangong Tso, so
will withdraw to the permanent far proceeding smoothly, was
base on Finger 3 named after Lt the most difficult aspect of the
Colonel Dhan Singh Thapa, the de-escalation discussed at mili-
legendary military commander tary and diplomatic levels over
who was awarded the Param Vir the past several months. The
Chakra after the 1962 war. Chinese occupied the ridges
Modi has been getting tough amid reports of a helipad being
with China since the border cri- built. The whole of government
sis began. approach adopted in countering
The decision to ban Chinese China across political, econom-
origin apps including TikTok ic and diplomatic spheres was,
and WeChat, just ahead of the sources said, a completely new
third round of talks between In- experience for the Chinese.
dian and Chinese military com- With the pandemic almost
manders, saw the information on the wane in India, Modi
and technology ministry work seems to have weathered a huge
through the night to put to- crisis. Now, he seems to be in
gether the extensive paperwork India has been negotiating with China for the resolution of border dispute the mood to assert his postures
needed for the unprecedented and policies.
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