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BUSINESS EYE                                                       FEBRUARY 10, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 32

               Adani Group slams Hindenburg as

       “an unethical short seller” as market

                          losses go past $ 100 billion

         Adani Group, in its 413-page report, has also responded to all 88 questions raised by Hindenburg

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            from Adani Enterprises, the biggest
                                                                                                              FPO ever in India.
        Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
                                                                                                                  Meanwhile, the domestic mar-
            n  a  413-page  response to  the                                                                  kets were volatile in the beginning
           Hindenburg Research report on                                                                      and settled with gains on Thursday.
        Ithe Adani business interests, the                                                                    The morning session of the day was
        Adani Group has attacked Hinden-                                                                      somewhat volatile while stocks were
        burg as “an unethical short seller”.                                                                  steady in the afternoon. The strong
            The Adani report states that by                                                                   market sentiments in the US and Eu-
        “holding short positions” in Adani                                                                    rope also influenced markets in Asia,
        stocks, which simply put it is betting                                                                namely China and Japan.
        on  the  stock  falling.  Hindenburg                                                                      However, in  the domestic mar-
        exposed its hand as it made huge                                                                      ket,  Adani  Group  firms’  losses  bal-
        money with the fall of Adani stocks                                                                   looned to more than USD 100 bil-
        immediately following the publica-                                                                    lion after the Chairman of the group
        tion of the report on January 24. In                                                                  Gautam Adani declared that the
        the summary of the long response by                                                                   flagship  firm  was  taking  a  U-turn
        Adani Group, it said the report was                                                                   with its follow-on public offer. BSE
        “nothing but a lie”.                                                                                  key indices Sensex surged 224 points
           “The document is a malicious                                                                       to 59,932.24 while NSE Nifty50 lost 5
        combination of selective misinfor-                                                                    points to 17,610.40 on Thursday.
        mation and concealed facts relating                                                                       On Thursday, shares of Adani
        to baseless and discredited allega-                                                                   Group  flagship  firm,  Adani  Enter-
        tions to drive an ulterior motive,” the                                                               prises, were down 26 per cent to Rs
        Adani Group’s response said.                                                                          1,565.30 apiece. In a span of five ses-
            Adani  Group,  in  its  413-page                                                                  sions, it has lost more than Rs 1,719.65
        report, has also responded to all 88                                                                  or declined over 52.35 per cent.
        questions raised by Hindenburg.     Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani addresses the investors after the withdrawal of the   Adani Ports and SEZ lost Rs
            It went on to say the report by                                                                   35.65 or dropped 7.20 per cent to Rs
        the US-based firm was intended only   fully-subscribed Adani Enterprises Ltd Follow-on Public Offer (FPO) on Thursday. (ANI)  459.50 on Thursday morning. The
        to create a “false market in securities”                                                              firm’s shares had lost more than Rs
        to enable Hindenburg, an admitted   ethical short seller”. It added the re-  Jatin Jalundhwala, Group Head   224.10 or 32.78 per cent in a period
        short  seller,  to  book  massive  finan-  port was “nothing but a lie”.  - Legal, Adani Group, in a statement   of  five  days.  Adani  Green’s  shares
        cial gain through “wrongful means at   A short seller in the securities   earlier this week, said, “We (the   dropped 10 per cent to Rs 1,039
        the cost of countless investors”.  market books gain from the subse-  Group) are evaluating the relevant   apiece, while it lost Rs 588 36.15 per
            Adani Group on Sunday said    quent reduction in prices of shares.  provisions under US and Indian laws   cent in just five days.
        the recent report by Hindenburg       The Adani Group states that by   for remedial and punitive action   FMCG  firm  Adani  Wilmar
        Research was not an attack on any  “holding short positions” in Adani   against Hindenburg Research.”  dropped 5 per cent to Rs 421 apiece
        specific  company  but  a  “calculated   stocks, it is betting on the stock falling.  Reportedly,  the  research  firm,  on Thursday morning while it lost Rs
        attack” on India, its growth story,   Hindenburg exposed its hand as   in its report on Tuesday, raised con-  95 or dropped more than 18 per cent
        and ambitions.                    it made huge money with the fall of   cerns about shares of Adani group   in a span of five days.
           “This is not merely an unwarrant-  Adani stocks immediately following   companies having a possibility of de-  Adani Transmission shares went
        ed  attack  on  any  specific  company   the publication of the report on Jan-  clining from their current levels, ow-  down 10 per cent flat to Rs 1,551.15
        but a calculated attack on India, the   uary 24.                    ing to high valuations.           apiece in the morning trade on
        independence, integrity and qual-     Earlier  on Thursday,  Adani      The timing of the report by Hin-  Thursday. The firm had lost Rs 575
        ity  of Indian  institutions,  and the   Group said it was mulling legal op-  denburg Research, Adani Group had   or dropped 27 per cent in just 5 days.
        growth story and ambition of India,”  tions in the US and India against   said is “clearly betrays a brazen, mala   On Thursday, Adani Group
        the Adani Group said in a 413-page   Hindenburg  Research  after  its  re-  fide  intention  to  undermine”  the   Chairman  Gautam  Adani  said  it
        response. In its response to the Hin-  port accused firms owned by Gautam   Adani  Group’s  reputation  with  the   would not be “morally correct” to go
        denburg Research, the Adani Group   Adani of market manipulation and   “principal objective of damaging” the   ahead with the Rs 20,000-crore share
        has attacked Hindenburg as “an un-  accounting fraud.               group’s Follow-on Public Offering   in the current market condition.

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