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BUSINESS EYE                                                       FEBRUARY 10, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 34

                                                              TECH T@LK

         Discord integration on Sony                                                 Google set to bring

         PS5 arrives for beta testers Microsoft 365 integration

                                                                                             to ChromeOS
             tarting today, beta testers in the   out using a mobile device or your PC
             United States, Canada, Japan,   to transfer the call.
        Sand the United Kingdom will          Sony should address this soon,      merican tech giant Google has   storage when they’re accessed within
        be able to join Discord  voice calls   as Microsoft enhanced their Discord   said that it’s planning to add   the Microsoft 365 app.
        on their PS5 console, reported The   connection for Xbox in November,  AMicrosoft 365 integration to      That’s a lot better than One-
        Verge, an American technology news   allowing Xbox owners to join voice   ChromeOS later this year making it   Drive users having to use the current
        website.                          channels directly from the console   easier for users to install the app and   Android or PWA apps that don’t in-
            According to the outlet, this in-  without the need for a phone or PC.  open files.               tegrate into the Files app on Chro-
        tegration allows PS5 owners to join   Alongside the Discord support,    According to The Verge, an    meOS, reported The Verge.
        Discord calls by linking accounts and   Sony  is  also  adding  1440p  Variable   American technology news website,   Google says more details on the
        then using the Discord mobile app to   Refresh Rate support, as well as sev-  ChromeOS already supports the Mi-  integration will be shared “in the
        transfer  calls to PS5.  Discord  voice   eral dashboard upgrades. This means   crosoft 365 and OneDrive Progres-  coming months,” with ChromeOS
        integration on the PS5 appears to be   compatible HDMI 2.1 displays can   sive Web Apps (PWAs), but there’s a   testers in dev and beta channels able
        similar to how Microsoft first intro-  enable  VRR  at  1440p  to  benefit   promise of “new integration later this   to access the integration a little early.
        duced Discord compatibility on the   from smoother visual performance   year on ChromeOS, making it easi-  Microsoft first attacked Google’s
        Xbox.                             in games.                         er to install the app and open files.”   Chromebook laptops in a commer-
            The Verge has reported that       As per The Verge, Sony is also   This new integration will include a   cial nearly 10 years ago as part of the
        Sony says you have to “use the Dis-  improving the social features of the   guided setup to install the Microsoft   company’s “Scroogled” campaign.
        cord app on your mobile device or   PS5 dashboard’s share screen func-  365 app and connect OneDrive ac-  The software maker has been consis-
        computer to get a Discord voice chat   tion and party chats, as well as add-  counts to the ChromeOS Files app.  tently  wary  of  Chromebooks taking
        going on your PS5 console,” which   ing a new “friends who play” tile to   This OneDrive integration will   over the lucrative role of low-cost
        means you won’t be able to directly   show which pals are actively playing   also see documents in the Files app   Windows laptops in education and
        access Discord servers on a PS5 with-  a game.                      moved over to Microsoft’s cloud   businesses.

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