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SPECIAL FEATURE FEBRUARY 09, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
Pramukh Swami Maharaj:
Secrets of His Success and Popularity (Part 2)
he path to success is not a
straight line, there are no fairy
Ttale stories of success. Pain,
struggle, insults, and failure are all
part of life and cannot be escaped, but
they can result in wisdom, strength,
courage, and success with the virtues
of tolerance and compassion. Pra-
mukh Swami Maharaj’s tolerance
and compassion were such that he
was never provoked by petty griev-
ances, never fretted over perceived
slights, and never succumbed to jeal-
ousy. In September 2002, Swamina-
rayan Akshardham in Gandhinagar,
India, was attacked by terrorists. Over
30 innocent lives were lost, including
a BAPS swami and young children.
Recent communal tensions in Gu-
jarat had just about subsided, and a
small spark was all that was needed
to re-ignite the fuse that could turn
Gujarat into a burning inferno. Wide-
spread riots as an instinctive reaction
to such a tragic attack was the expec-
tation, and Pramukh Swami Maharaj
was incited by some to voice strong tolerance was unparalleled, but it or inspired millions to forego trou- Raj Seetapathy was so mesmerized
protest and harsh anger. However, was his compassion that surpassed blesome addictions, vices, negative by Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s spir-
Swamishri’s heart remained merciful, expectations and took your breath temperaments and live a serene and ituality that after retiring from the
and he responded with a prayer of away. He did not just acknowledge fulfilling life. Further, these effects NSG, he served for many years at
tolerance and peace which prevented people’s anger, hatred or ignorance were not momentary feelings that Swaminarayan Akshardham in New
a country-wide human tragedy. This with silent tolerance, but he also withered away over time, but Swa- Delhi. Swamishri’s piety was such
magnanimous and exemplary act of graciously prayed for their well-be- mishri’s sanctity left an everlasting that even a brief interaction with him
restraint was praised across the world ing and invariably responded with a impression in people’s hearts that led to a never-ending relationship.
by politicians, community leaders and kindhearted gesture. If he was like created a bond that never degraded This was the underlying reality of his
scholars as a timeless precedent wor- this with ill-mannered people, then it nor disintegrated. When Brigadier success and popularity.
thy of emulation. is not surprising that he was so popu- Raj Seetapathy, the National Securi- Of those who poured into Sa-
Swamishri’s tolerance was of an- lar and admired amongst others. ty Guard commando in charge of the rangpur on 13 August 2016, some
other caliber as it was fueled by com- Swamishri’s innate humility, rescue mission during the Akshard- were in regular contact with Swa-
passion. A few days after the attack, tolerance and compassion were all ham attack, heard about Swamishri’s mishri, some had not interacted with
Swamishri visited Swaminarayan Ak- deeply rooted in his profound spiri- peace-inspiring reply to the attack he him in years, some had briefly met
shardham and blessed all the places tuality, the fundamental reason for was so impressed by it that he became him only once, and some had never
of death and destruction with sanc- his glory and admiration. Success a proponent of the Akshardham Re- even met him face to face. And, of
tified flowers and prayers. He came and popularity based on measures of sponse and presented it in police course, there were those who could
upon the spot where the terrorists material achievements and metrics academies, army training programs, not be physically present in Sarang-
had met their demise, and to every- leave a person exhausted, stressed and other centers. He said, “What pur. But they were all drawn men-
one’s surprise Swamishri sprinkled and unfulfilled. True success, on the Pramukh Swami Maharaj did was tally and emotionally to this one
flowers there as well and prayed for other hand, leaves a person feeling unbelievable. He pieced society back location because they all had some
their souls’ peace and that “May no fulfilled and genuinely happy. True together. What I observed after the sort of personal relationship with
one even think of attacking anyone, success is achieved with spirituality. operation was the calm and seren- Pramukh Swami Maharaj, for he had
any place or any religion. May the And Swamishri’s spiritually inspired ity that was quickly restored. I have a mind which never minded, a heart
world be freed from terror.” success was such that not only did faced many violent encounters in my which never hurt, a touch which nev-
His touch never pained anyone he live a life of eternal inner peace professional life, but the Akshard- er pained, and therefore, relations
but was as soft as the flower petals himself, but he also gave that gift ham Response was a great learning, which never ended.
he sprinkled, giving compassion and to all who came in his contact. His both from an operational and phil- Anandananddas Swami
comfort to the souls he touched. His pure, righteous and saintly demean- osophical point of view.” Brigadier BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha