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OPINION FEBRUARY 09, 2024 | The Indian Eye 12
to a comprehensive and robust stra- Granting preferential trade
tegic partnership between the two partner status to Central Asian
regions. More specifically, they as- states could significantly boost trade
sert the need to actively support Indi- volumes, enabling India to effective-
an businesses engaged in trade with ly counter China in various regional
Central Asia, including organizing markets. Until such time as prefer-
industry-specific B2B engagements ential or free trade agreements are
(p.15). While supporting such an en- finalized, it might be worthwhile to
gagement can be a strategic move, it explore mutually advantageous trade
is equally crucial to take into account privileges with these Central Asian
the complex geopolitical dynamics nations (Kumar & Tripathi, 2020).
in the region. China, Russia, and the These measures could serve as a
US compete for influence in the re- counterbalance to China’s prevailing
gion. Engaging in trade in the region trade influence in the region. By fa-
requires navigating political sensitivi- voring the Central Asian Republics
ties and potential disputes. with preferential trade status, there is
The authors have highlight- an opportunity to enhance the direct
ed the essentiality of surface con- import of their products into India,
nectivity and issues hindering it. In thereby fortifying economic connec-
plain language and with admirable tions and also benefiting Afghani-
clarity, the authors have recount- stan as a key transit route. India’s
ed the steps that India has taken to exports, including tea, medicines,
enhance connectivity with Central garments, and engineering goods,
Asia, for instance, India’s role in the would also be boosted. With a trade
International North-South Transport agreement, India could compete in
Corridor (INSTC) by supporting the new sectors like steel exports to Cen-
broadening of the corridor’s mem- tral Asia, potentially gaining a signif-
bership and continued investments icant market share if provided with a
in Chabahar and its rail/road linkag- duty drawback for at least five years.
es to Turkmenistan (p.37). The au- This book thoroughly examines
thors have recognized the challenges the intricate challenges and oppor-
related to surface connectivity, such tunities within India’s trade relations
as inter-state border disputes in Cen- with Central Asia. Although it pri-
tral Asia and the challenging terrain. marily focuses on trade and might
Nonetheless, there is a sense of opti- lack a geopolitical perspective, it
mism regarding the Chabahar route. compensates by providing up-to-date
Traditionally, seaport business with and relevant data. Notably, it offers
Central Asia has revolved around valuable suggestions and recommen-
Bandar Abbas. However, due to US dations, a dimension that often needs
sanctions, its usage has been limited. to be addressed by academics. This
Chabahar, in contrast, is not subject book is not just a resource for policy-
to sanctions and is closer to India’s makers and scholars but also sparks
western coast. Given the current Elephant on the Silk Road: Sectors of Promise for India and Central Asia by Pankaj Tripathi innovative thinking about regional
circumstances, there is potential for collaborations. Its comprehensive
promoting Chabahar. and Dr Sunil Kumar. Indian Council of World Affairs; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2023 analysis and forward-looking pro-
Moreover, the importance of posals make it an essential reference,
Chabahar for India becomes even on air freight costs for exporters can instance, high-quality engineering shaping discussions about India’s fu-
more significant due to the increasing strengthen India’s position in the units like the Tungsten Alloy plant ture partnerships in the ever-chang-
footprints of China in Iran. Howev- regional market, facilitating growth in Uzbekistan could establish joint ing Central Asian landscape.
er, the authors seem to overlook the and market expansion (p.78). Also, ventures in India, producing tools To sum up, the book is crafted
potential of the land route through the concerned Indian Missions and with sourced raw materials initially with elegance, bold imagination, and
Pakistan and Afghanistan, as it is offices are to be sensitized about the from Uzbekistan and later recycling skillful execution. While it occasion-
scarcely mentioned. This omission importance of strengthening trade the products for materials. This ini- ally lacks precision in its concepts
might not stem from individual bi- relations. tiative could reduce dependence on and recommendations, it gains from
ases but instead reflects a realistic Securing uranium imports from Chinese imports. the reader’s tendency to intuitively
assessment i.e. the possibility of such Central Asia has been vital for In- Additionally, the burgeoning fill these gaps. To engage a broader
a land route materializing anytime dia’s energy needs; however, on the field of Medical Tourism presents a readership, it will be essential to ar-
soon seems unlikely. other hand, the TAPI gas pipeline significant opportunity (p.198). Cen- ticulate our vision with greater clari-
In the third section of the book, ty. This book sets a new standard in
the authors discuss promising sec- project faces significant challenges tral Asian nations look forward to its field by blending approachable
(p.172). Geographical constraints
the specialized medical services of-
tors such as pharmaceuticals, tex- have posed major obstacles in im- fered by Indian cities like Delhi and language with ambitious solutions,
tiles, agriculture, electronics, chem- plementing oil and gas projects from Mumbai. Facilitating regular flights and challenging future works to
icals, energy, petrochemicals, trade, Central Asia to India. India has and visas could enhance this collab- match its level of contribution.
and tourism. Pharmaceutical prod- untapped collaborative potential oration, while Indian medical teams’
ucts represent the most significant in technology exchange and manu- rotational presence would aid train- This book review first appeared in
component of Indian exports to the facturing partnerships with Uzbeki- ing and hence boost medical exports the web articles section on the website
Central Asia Region (p.71). The au- stan and Kyrgyzstan (p.133). For to the region. of Centre for Land Warfare Studies,
thors suggest that a small discount New Delhi (