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OPINION JANUARY 24, 2025 | The Indian Eye 11
erations in mind, New Delhi started
offering 1000 ICCR Scholarships an-
nually to Afghan citizens for online
undergraduate and postgraduate pro-
grammes beginning in the academic
years 2023 to 2024.
Under the India Technical and
Economic Cooperation Programme,
Afghan officials attended a four-day
virtual course on Indian legislation
and business climate at IIM Kozhi-
kode in 2023.
In 2022, the Taliban requested
India to complete approximately 20
unfinished infrastructural develop-
ment projects across Afghanistan.
However, there was no indication
that New Delhi was considering en-
gagement beyond the scope of hu-
manitarian assistance.
The recent meeting between
India’s Foreign Secretary and the
Taliban’s Acting Foreign Minister
signaled for the first time that India
would consider extending its engage-
ment beyond humanitarian assis- The recent meeting in Dubai is particularly notable for its timing, occurring just two days after India condemned Pakistan’s airstrikes in Afghani-
tance to include development proj-
ects in the near future. stan that resulted in the deaths of dozens of Afghan civilians (ANI)
Unlike other regional countries,
India had refrained from engaging Secretary of the Pakistan-Afghani- for reverting to its “old practice” of Acknowledging the Taliban re-
with the Taliban before they seized stan-Iran (PAI) Division in India’s blaming neighboring countries for its gime as a reality, India recognizes
power once again in Afghanistan in Ministry of External Affairs. Nota- “own internal failures.” that maintaining strategic distance
2021. However, over the past three bly, in November last year, Singh This meeting also follows the does not serve its own interests or
and a half years, India has engaged reportedly held a meeting with the Taliban’s November 2024 appoint- the interest of India-Afghanistan re-
in several formal consultations with Taliban’s acting Defense Minister, ment of Ikramuddin Kamil, a former lations, especially as Afghanistan’s
representatives of the regime. The Mohammad Yaqoob, the son of Tal- Afghan student in India, as the Act- other neighboring countries actively
first such meeting occurred on 31 Au- iban founder and former Supreme ing Consul at the Afghan Consulate engage with the regime. As a nation
gust 2021, between Deepak Mittal, Leader, Mullah Omar. in Mumbai. Although the Indian gov- of substantial strategic importance
India’s Ambassador to Qatar, and The recent meeting in Dubai is ernment did not officially comment and deep historical ties within In-
Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, particularly notable for its timing, on this appointment, it coincided with dia’s neighborhood, Afghanistan
the Head of the Taliban’s Political occurring just two days after India a visit by J.P. Singh to Kabul that same and its people cannot be overlooked
Office in Doha. condemned Pakistan’s airstrikes month, adding further significance by New Delhi.
Over time, India’s interactions in Afghanistan that resulted in the to the evolving diplomatic dynamic.
with the Taliban have been primar- deaths of dozens of Afghan civilians. To conclude, it can be argued Dr. Anwesha Ghosh is a Research
Fellow at Indian Council of World
ily managed by J.P. Singh, the Joint India strongly criticized Islamabad that the recent meeting indicates a Affairs, New Delhi. Views expressed are
strengthening relationship between personal.
New Delhi and Kabul, reflecting
what appears to be a natural evolu- This article first appeared in the web
tion of India’s cautious and measured articles section of the website (www.icwa.
response to the Taliban’s presence in in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
Kabul since 2021. New Delhi, on January 16, 2025
Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri meets UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation,
Reem Al Hashimy, in Dubai (ANI)